Hello list members,
We'll be having our April GLUG meet at HBCSE on sunday , the 16th of April 2006.
Date : Sunday, 16th April 2006 Time : 4:30 PM Venue: HBCSE, Mankhurd Reaching Venue: http://www.hbcse.tifr.res.in/Data/ObjectType/c/contact/viewObjectType
Topics: 1) Internals of ``top'' and ``ps'' -- by Prashant
2a) LIRC - Setting up a gnu/linux based home entertainment desktop. -- by Rajeev RK
LIRC: http://www.lirc.org/ Linux Infrared Remote Control Project, is a package that allows you to decode and send infra-red signals of many (but not all) commonly used remote controls.
2b) XGL/AIGLX - Hands on demo of the 3D desktops -- by Rajeev RK
Everyone's invited to attend and benefit form the talks.