Hello linuxers,
I tried to configure Diskless Nodes in our college. I'm first trying with one server and one client. Now the client is able to identify itself and the server i.e. it knows the IP address of the server.
However I am not able to ping the client from the server. Also the client starts loading the kernel. However the Kernel does not load fully and the booting does not continue. I have no clue what may be the problem. I went through LTSP documentation but I could not figure out from that too.
Please guide.
I saw that there are two LED's on the Network Card and one glows continuosly and other blinks according to the traffic. I guess the constantly ON LED is clock signal/Carrier or something.
Now when I directly connect the cable from Server to the node there is no LED glowing. However when I connect them through Hub the LED glows.
Do I need to use a hub just to connect one Server and one node?
This is from a person who has no knowledge whatsoever of Networking. Please bear with me.
On Sunday 06 April 2003 06:24 pm, Nikhil Joshi wrote:
Hello linuxers,
have you read the Diskless-HOWTO. it preety much tells you what you need to get diskless machines running. ( we have tried it ! ) i could write it here, but instead me jogging my memory incorrectly, i would advice you to look it up. do let me know if you have problems after trying what they have given there.
Do I need to use a hub just to connect one Server and one node?
No, you can use a cross cable, ( search google on how to wire your own cross cable ) AFAIK a cross cable connect the signal from the Tx pin of 1 computer to the Rx pn of the 2 nd computer and vice-versa.
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what is the client configuration? we had a p166 client which could not boot past the loading kernel stage. what turned out to be was libc issue. we had to use libc made for i386. our server was a pIII and it was using libc for i686.
continuosly and other blinks according to the traffic. I guess the constantly ON LED is clock signal/Carrier or something.
its not a clock, the network card monitors the voltage/current on the line to provide indication whether the wire is connected to a hub or another pc (thru crossover)
Do I need to use a hub just to connect one Server and one node?
you need to use crossover cable for direct connection. diagram is as follows (hold the plug towards you as if you are going to plug in ur mouth and keep the small tab upwards, not pin on the left is pin1 ) 1 - 3 2 - 6 3 - 1 4 - 4 5 - 5 6 - 2 7 - 7 8 - 8 pin 1 and 2 of one end should be using same color pair. same true for 3,6. pin 4, 5, 7, 8 are not used.
BTW, how have you setup diskless boot client configuration? i mean the filesystem, did you followed the howto method to create it or any other?
Kiran Ghag Software Engineer @ Patni Computers, India Work Phone: +91 (22) 2829 1454 Extension 5236 Web Page: http://kiran7.freeservers.com _____
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Hello Kiran,
Monday, April 7, 2003, 8:39:12 AM, you wrote:
i figured out that problem was with TFTP. Now the kernel loads very well but afterwards it panics and gives some NFS error ( Error! Failed to mount the root dir via NFS! ) . I guess I'll have to RTFM to debug the thing ...
BTW, how have you setup diskless boot client configuration? i mean the filesystem, did you followed the howto method to create it or any other?
ummm... i configured with the help of LTSP ( www. ltsp.org ) , i boot using etherboot floppy.