Hello All,
Almost we all use FOSS for daily works. I was thinking if we can contribute some money to some Open Source Projects.
Idea is like this-
We can collect monthly contribution (say Rs.100 each) from the people who want to contribute.
Select an Open Source Project of the month.
Make the donation.
I don't think Rs. 100 per month is more challenging for all. Even less (or more ;)) contributions can be accepted.
What are your thought?
With regards, Shirish Padalkar
And who's gonna control all this??? Like under whose supervision???
These all things need to be decided by "experienced" people of the list.
On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 5:47 PM, Aasif Shaikh aasif.shkh@gmail.com wrote:
On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 4:17 PM, Aasif Shaikh aasif.shkh@gmail.com wrote:
And who's gonna control all this??? Like under whose supervision???
What is the need for extra question marks? Are you *demanding* answers from the list?
Regards, NMK.
On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 5:43 PM, Shirish Padalkar shirish4you@gmail.com wrote:
Money collection is not a issue, distribution can be a issue ! Govt of India has a lots of funds for better projects and works. one should take advantage of those money and put into right direction.
-- ┌─────────────────────────┐ │ Narendra Sisodiya ( नरेन्द्र सिसोदिया ) │ Society for Knowledge Commons │ Web : http://narendra.techfandu.org └─────────────────────────┘
On Fri, 2010-01-01 at 17:47 +0530, narendra sisodiya wrote:
Totally agreed.
For example, GNUKhata, the project I initiated and Brought this far is now stable and ready for use, this happened due to the generous funding from NIXI and support of Comet. But now we will soon die out of funds and might not be able to sustain development at the current pase. Voluntary time given by a bunch of hackers can't make commertial quality software. So if we need high performance accurate and commertial grade free software, dedicated team has to work full-time and such a team can only work with some financial security.
I think there might be many such projects which need such support and the proposed idea is not bad at all.
Happy hacking. Krishnakant.
On Friday 01 January 2010 19:16:24 Krishnakant wrote:
I disagree. In the past i needed some features in a certain package and wrote to the main developer who was then a research student, asking for a quote for the features. He said that he was too busy studying and would not be able to commit a time bound schedule. He also asked me to contact another team member. That 2nd developer was too busy with the same project, which he used commercially in NZ. So we wound up doing it in house.
That is a proposal for a startup. If it is ready for use AND has a market you are in business. It is an issue faced by every new product / project / business. You need to build your business case and give it to a VC / bank / FI.
Please dont expect to sustain a core business team on donations. I might also add that even FLOSS projects need marketing to attract developers. It means that you start posting about your project from day 1 and keep going, often alone for years. If it is interesting you attract followers and developers and eventually build a community. If you dont attract followers you seriously have to rethink whatever it is you are doing.
I think there might be many such projects which need such support and the proposed idea is not bad at all.
There will be projects with specific achievable goals like a specific language localisation, or documentation or a adding a set of features for an existing packagethat could benefit from such small funding.
On Fri, 2010-01-01 at 21:28 +0530, jtd wrote:
I beg to differ on this. My experience shows that while strict development schedules are not always needed for small things like writing an extention to firefox or creating a small mail client, for apps like ERP or accounting/ finance which is a subset, needs dedicated development. Projects like gnowsys has a big volantary support, but it would not develop to this level of maturity without a dedicated team which may have changed in terms of its number of members. I know good modules in isolation can be developed in vacation mode with some voluntary time, but that may happen in cases where people are into research, essentially meaning that their main work timing itself is flexible enough.
But if we want to sustain consistant development of a commertial grade project then payed developers who can give their full time to the project (and volantary spare time to some other project ) is necessary.
Why should free software based project not be treated as professional job or full-time commertial commitment?
I totally appreciate the fact that people did considerable work in the spare time which they offered voluntarily, but full-time dedicated team is no less better than the bunch of people working on their spare time. At least they can't be expected to provide a commertial grade software in a deadline. Add to the fact that free software projects have additional responsibility to fix bugs pointed out by the public, (there is nothing to hide and nothing to generate proprietory versions of bug fixed softwares ). So work is all the more tough. If we want market for free software and make it popular then we must join the pase of the main industry and help remove the mis conception that free software is an unorganised immatured attempt of some people who like it.
My general suggestion for any project is that maintain a small core team and try generating a huge community of users and developers including a large number of volantary contributers as well.
I can't agree more. that is absolutely right. But VC will mostly not understand that "free " word and even if it is understood, no one sees scope of profit. I don't see mark shuttalworth everywhere.
Happy hacking. Krishnakant.
On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 12:06 AM, Krishnakant hackingkk@gmail.com wrote:
i had a similar experiences in past , the customer wants the feature but does not want to sponsor the effort so we refuse to get the feature in the fast track mode .
What i understand is more sustained effort is possible with more funds?
users find developers and pay to get things done.
Why should free software based project not be treated as professional job or full-time commertial commitment?
there are people on this list who do.
Customer is the key again have you found a paid customer for your project ? He will drive to get things done as well improve the Quality as a by product.
Dont try to prove anything just focus on getting that customer , that will put all myths to rest i think.
Dont event try to explain them i think Hybrid licenses were one of the inventions of/for VC's. At this stage in business its usual "Money does not have colour"
I don't see mark shuttalworth everywhere.
He is not [1] Kubera his time and money are running short , so is everyone's
ok now back to work !!
Why am I not receiving KK's posts from this list?
On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 12:29 AM, satyaakam goswami satyaakam@gmail.comwrote:
On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 12:44 AM, Nitesh Mistry mistrynitesh@gmail.comwrote:
Why am I not receiving KK's posts from this list?
gmail devil at work ;-) it happens with mails of people whom we love like i saw KG's mails in spam folder , so that should be one place to look for first.
On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 1:01 AM, satyaakam goswami satyaakam@gmail.comwrote:
if (you are using Gmail ) then {use filter to mark "Do not send to spam" , this way you can avoid such situation }
On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 2:18 AM, narendra sisodiya < narendra.sisodiya@gmail.com> wrote:
OMG, never knew this was happening to me. Checked the spam folder after a long time, and to my surprise, there were so many mails from the various mailing lists lying there. This was an eyeopener! And I had always thought gmail got the spam thing right /me frowns
On Saturday 02 January 2010 00:06:08 Krishnakant wrote:
You are absolutely right here.
You are only partly right here. The project i was talking of is gnomemeeting - now Ekiga - in 2001. It was a very complex project and involved the wan / lan network, cpu load, UI, etc. In short hardware, network, and software stack debugging. IMO this is the worst case scenario. The team was dedicated (working almost fulltime) and professional (lead developers working towards Phds) but the big difference was they were volunteers. Some developers got paid off by getting PHds, some used the project to drive commercial installs.
Infact they MUST be treated as PAID pros. It is only the nature and timing of the payoff that needs to be thought about.
BTW banks / FIs do not fund research and development. For that you absolutely need a VC / angel fund, or your own capital. Quite often the lead developers bring in sweat equity - the labout that they put in to bring in the project to fruition - along with some money + a financier.
But if as you say the project is complete, you now need to make a business plan to sell to the bank. In that plan you can always allocate funds for development.
It depends entirely how you write up the project report. Get a project CA to do the project report. IMO the banks dont care about your software colour, after all you are providing a service.
To me the fund problem is purely a business issue rather than any shortage of money due to the project being open. WARNING: the money market is tight now and any new startup will have a tough time.
Another method would be to package the stuff and sell it. It will give you a hardcore feel of the market and is the acid test. You will be surprised by the results.
Most of us would be familiar with a product known as Ceasefire. That company had a phenomenal direct marketing team. They decided to expand by marketing polycarbonate boxes which could be vacuumed, so that foodstuff would remain fresh. That was their usp in a market saturated with plastic boxes and in their opinion would command a premium. They bet the house on the product range. It was a miserable flop and the company sunk.
IMO hit the market. You will know very quickly answers to everything.
On 1/2/2010 12:06 AM, Krishnakant wrote:
VCs and Angles today are very hot on "Open Source" as it is the new buzzword that they feel is the road to the future. They understand the services model as well as or in fact, better than, the Open Source developers themselves.
but ofcourse, you need to have a good product and a strong business plan.
On Jan 2, 2010, at 12:53 PM, Saswata Banerjee & Associates wrote:
Given a choice between Proprietary/Patent-Pending and Free/Open, it doesn't take a PhD to understand where the VC will swing. Angel Investors in India are an extinct species. Most of them who pride in calling themselves so are simply VCs and PE players in sheep's clothing.
Amol Hatwar
On 1/2/2010 1:19 PM, jtd wrote:
We work with VCs, PEs and Angles. We provide help on funding, but ofcourse cant guarantee it. Contact me offline if you wish to know what we do on it (irrespective if whether you want funding), else we will both get flamed by our various friends for talking of it and not taking it to a VC mailing list :)
Regards saswata
Developers and marketing roles have to be seperate again find the meaning in what you are doing how you are going to ease the pain of the customers so that ultimately he hooks with you and signs you up i mean by paying. It more complicated in Bazzar model than that actually on a second thought.
I think there might be many such projects which need such support and the proposed idea is not bad at all.
yes there are but they will all be competing for the same pie.
On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 12:01 AM, satyaakam goswami satyaakam@gmail.comwrote:
and forget to mention these are the the real hacks in world we survive.
Happy Hacking!!
On Friday 01 Jan 2010 7:16:24 pm Krishnakant wrote:
I totally disagree - I can point out to thousands of commercially viable highgrade projects that are run totally by volunteer hackers in their spare time. I can also point to huge piles of crap - software designed by a committee and supported with funds. The day the funds die, the software dies. Guido Van Rossum once said: if you cannot sell it commercially, you cannot sell it as open source. This goes to the crux of the problem. As far as I know all successful open source projects follow the principle of - sell it. free it. A classic example is django. It was designed by a team in an online newspaper which used it for a few years (and are still using it). Then they decided to open source it. Since it was already a proven commercial success, the web development community lapped it up - it now has thousands of users, and, more important, hundreds of contributors - all voluntary unpaid part timers. Even the core devels are all voluntary unpaid part timers - although most of them use django full time in their jobs. Or another package - koha, an even bigger success than django. Same thing - they sold it. Then they freed it. And they huge number of voluntary contributors. Note that I am talking about application software and not system software like the linux kernel. Anyway that is in general. I would also like to share my own experiences.
I started off by releasing AVSAP - I had developed this for a customer who used it for several years with no problem - but I did not really sell it. One customer does not really count - and anyway I had no time to push it. I more or less released it for kicks, but it did not take off. Nor did several other projects of mine which I thought would have a huge impact. But funnily enough 2 projects that I started with no thought of developing them into packages for general public - actually took off! Huge number of users (which by Indian standards means more than 3) and huge number of contributors (again that means more than 3). One of them, fossconf, has been used in 3 Indian conferences so far, and will possibly be used by more. It has attracted contributions from over 10 people, although there are only two core developers. However it was tested in practice - so 'sell it, free it' applies (although it was never sold in a commercial sense). The other - openstreetmap.org.in - was never intended to be a project at all. I was just trying to get some of my own symbols into openstreetmap so that I could show off to my friends in the golf club. That has also attracted a fair number of users - and several active contributors.
Neither of these projects are rocket science. No great path breaking code there - so I am unlikely to be ever invited to keynote in fsck.in for example. But I have learnt a few lessons that I would like to share:
1. However hard you work, however great your code, however much finance you get - your application must fulfill two criteria. 1 - it must work and do what it is supposed to do. 2 - it must fulfill a need - ie be useful to some one. Just because it is free software is not good enough.
2. all good successful applications are run by people with domain knowledge - a bunch of IT professionals can never put together a successful application. I have been watching the FA scene in India - and can confidently predict that we will never develop an FA package until some enlightened CA gets involved. If I had developed a package for lawyers, I am sure it would be a very fast moving item.
3. all good successful applications must be multiplatform - yes, that means doze and mac. If they do not run on them, most of your potential users vanish.
4. most important of all - development must be done openly. Any software where people labour for months in secret and then suddenly 'release' their software is bound to fail. You need testers at every stage - not after the software is 'complete'. It is hard work to cater to the public. Complaints and queries must be encouraged, the mechanism for them set in place and response must be prompt. Even if your co developer is sitting in the next chair - document all your communication with him through mailing list, bug tracker or wiki.
5. do not wait for people to join up and help. Go ahead and develop. Many people make big promises - but do not fulfill them. If they *do* contribute - cool. If not, no big deal. Do not run after them and beg/nag.
6. if your app clicks, money and support will come.
I personally dump all the code I write into a public repo - sometimes to my surprise, someone comes forward to contribute a bit or file a bug. Nice feeling.
if any one is interested - all I have done is in http://bitbucket.org/lawgon/ - there is a lot of stuff that I have yet to put up. But will when I get the time.
On Saturday 02 January 2010 13:36:14 Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
IMO the inputs BEFORE you write a single line of code is far more important than any number of bug fixers you are likely to get later. You miss this and you will have a full rewrite on the menu card.
Closed systems have to suffer the secrecy that is the cornerstone of their business plan (atleast they believe it is a cornerstone). An open project has already shot itself in the head by this approach.
On Sat, 2010-01-02 at 15:42 +0530, jtd wrote:
Complete? I think no FOSS based project is complete. Orca screen reader to which I contribute is more featured and of better quality than its proprietory counterpart. While the proprietory project claims that their work is complete, orca team never claimed that. Right from the day we felt we have some thing to share and actually start the project in the real sence, we started or re-started the project and from the vary nasent stage it was open.
Which one?
Happy hacking. Krishnakant.
On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 3:42 PM, jtd jtd@mtnl.net.in wrote:
It really depends a lot on the developers involved. There are some who prefer to rewrite sections again and again till things are perfect (prototyping). Others prefer to have a flow chart, ERD/class diagram, etc before they write a single line of code.
Of course, some projects (like accounting, trading systems, etc) simply write themselves better with a complete plan before development. It is probably like this because most developers who write this software do not have much background on the functional aspect of the app. Others (like UI elements of software, web sites, web apps, etc.) write themselves best when prototyped.
On Saturday 02 January 2010 21:08:51 Siddhesh Poyarekar wrote:
In this case you are dealing with a 1) Computing dummies - needs breast feeding 2) Domain experts - will erupt on seeing errors that are commonsense to them and makes no sense to the developer 3) Core business function - every malfunction makes people shiver 4) Entrenched competition -
IMO you will fail without a formal process in place to collect and disseminate whatever decisions are taken.
On Saturday 02 Jan 2010 9:08:51 pm Siddhesh Poyarekar wrote:
let us give a simple example - X writes software in secrecy, and when 'complete' he releases it - Y downloads, tries out and starts using it. Meanwhile X gets huge amount of feed back - he makes backward incompatible changes. Y does an svn up and finds his code is not working - the sql has changed drastically. X has not bothered to provide a migration script - he has just changed the sql. And had to change it so drastically that Y has to zap his db and re-enter the data.
If X had been open from the beginning, at the most Y would have had to face small incremental changes throughout the process - may be non backward incompatible, but still incremental and manageable.
let us give a simple example - X writes software in secrecy, and when
That's inconsiderate and unprofessional on the part of X. If, he changes anything that breaks the codes. Then, X must give a change log and a migration script or upgrade package or at least a warning.
Not doing so is frequent in both closed and open systems. It is a bit of consideration & professionalism for all your users that goes to making the migration easier.
As I look at it, if you find a better method to implement your application/ideas by breaking your code or rewriting a large part of your existing code, take a call of its usefulness and then do what you think should be done.
regards Cyril Chacko
On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 7:16 PM, Krishnakant hackingkk@gmail.com wrote:
Why you're worrying if project is really in good shape? If idea and code is good, I think it will survive without immediate financial support. Someone will definitely pick it up from where you left it...
Give me money or I'll stop contributing is horribly bad idea.
On Sat, 2010-01-02 at 16:01 +0530, Kartik Mistry wrote:
That's a bad idea if yoiu are doing some thing else for your livelyhood. And it particularly becomes difficult for people who don't want to take up any proprietory job on offer and then work on the free software project at their spare time.
I think it is "give me money so that I can contribute at top priority and dedicatedly". It is not "won't contribute ".
Happy hacking. Krishnakant.
On Saturday 02 Jan 2010 4:01:15 pm Kartik Mistry wrote:
I agree - for some of my projects, I have got my staff to contribute code. They did so willingly and enthusiastically, but when they left, they did not continue to do so. They feel guilty about it - I now and then get mails saying that when they get time, or get a laptop they will continue to contribute. Partly I do not blame them. On job they are not allowed to contribute - off job they are so caught up with surviving that they do not have the time or the computer to contribute. I do know one person who contributed underground on job at the risk of his job - but with most of our employees coming from rural/small city backgrounds with families and a large number of siblings dependent on their earnings - they cannot really risk their jobs. Which boils down to this - basically FOSS contribution is a spare time activity, which can only be indulged in by people who have the spare time and resources to do so.
at one stage I used to reject all .doc resumes. Then one person who I know contributes to foss applied with a .doc resume. I asked her why she of all people did this. Reply: she was too ethical to use her college machine (which had linux) for her personal work. She had to go to a browsing centre for this. So I asked why not ascii? and am informed that word does not do ascii. Neither of us was aware that word could do pdf - but she found out and sent it in pdf. I now accept any resume regardless of the format.
2010/1/1 Krishnakant hackingkk@gmail.com:
that's insulting to volunteer developers who actually do turn out high quality software.
more than collection how to make is the real issue , No funding from sources like GOI or any body is not a sustainable model you need to find the customers in the end, Yes GOI could be one of the cash cows now the challenge is do you know how to Tap it, in the context as a Customer not as a funding body.
On Friday 01 January 2010 17:43:11 Shirish Padalkar wrote:
The FSF India is geared for this type of activity. Donate to the FSF.
The complications of registering, accounting, auditing and administering a "not for profit" organisation requires serious and sustained effort of several people. Pious thoughts apart it is unfeasible in all but the rarest of rare cases.
Consequently you are better off donating to the FSF.
Paying a small amount and that too regularly for a good cause is the easiest thing. Building institutions , and maitaining credibility is difficult. FSF has a standing and a structure. If FSF has the manpower and the desire, FSF should create project ideas and seek such support for specific projects. This list should create the necessary motivation in FSF and provide human support also. jitendra
On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 6:33 PM, jtd jtd@mtnl.net.in wrote:
On Friday 01 January 2010 18:55:23 jitendra wrote:
Afaik they do not have manpower and resources. Financial mentoring of projects is a fulltime professional job. Throwing money over the fence does not serve any purpose.
There was sarai which sponsored fellowships, but this seems to be dead right now.
This list should create the necessary motivation in FSF and provide human support also.
But imo mentoring is a very complex issue and money is a not the key.
It seems by people's replies that FSF is the easiest way to do that. Thought point remains, that can't we (the list) donate the funds regularly and collectively to FSF?
On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 8:58 PM, jtd jtd@mtnl.net.in wrote:
On Fri, 2010-01-01 at 18:33 +0530, jtd wrote:
Infact more funding will be required for maintainning such an organisational system. So using an existing system specially ment for such work is recommended.
Consequently you are better off donating to the FSF.
Yes I agree on that as well. And add to it that it is a national organisation which means more projects can be spanned. Happy hacking. Krishnakant.
On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 7:21 PM, Krishnakant hackingkk@gmail.com wrote:
FSF india + banks can launce credit card which has FOSS logos (penguin, firefox etc). And bank will take care of cutting 50-100 RS per month
On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 5:43 PM, Shirish Padalkar shirish4you@gmail.comwrote:
No to the idea , individuals and companies make contributions when they find some use of project , what happened to the Bazzar model ? Resources are always limited time , people, money , projects find ways to compete and sustain to keep all three coming in with enough users ( Demand) also in the some way these projects organize themselves and find ways to sustain if they don't they perish .
Projects have a donation button prominently displayed if you feel somebody should be paid you just press the pay button , no need to organize or pool funds.
when projects starts it starts with an itch expecting not be getting paid if somebody is appreciating this work with some money its merrier for the people involved in the project.
On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 11:49 PM, satyaakam goswami satyaakam@gmail.comwrote:
I agree. While I do support donations, what is the point in collective donation. Not all the members of the list may agree on the monthly beneficiary. One member may be of the opinion of supporting a particular project, while the other may want to support another project. Though someone can create a kind of centralised infrastructure to facilitate donations. For example, a website on which a list of FOSS projects are listed and the visitor can select the project towards which his/her donations are to be directed. People can also suggest the FOSS projects to be included in the list on a continuing basis. This way, even the FOSS projects outside India can get the benefit since many people might find it easier to contribute in Indian currency, and then this organisation can forward the donation in the foreign currency. Practical issues of administration, accounting & auditing will require dedicated workforce. I believe the idea is worth considering.
2010/1/1 Shirish Padalkar shirish4you@gmail.com:
Gosh, so much talk happening on this list.
If you want to contribute to a project, write code. If you can't write code, send money directly to the project - most projects on sourceforge (and I suspect at other places too) have a donate link. Alternately, donate to the FSF - you'll even get a tax break if you do that.
On Saturday 02 Jan 2010 10:25:49 pm Philip Tellis wrote:
oh yes - talk is cheap - real l33t h4x0rs do not talk - they communicate in code
If you want to contribute to a project, write code.
is that the only way to contribute to a project??????????? you seem to have forgotten humble servants plucking low lying fruit like translation, documentation, bug reports, testing, using (and even talking about it to make it popular - although talk is cheap) and even organising the project wiki. Have you ever organised a project wiki? or is that something to be outsourced? Or even realised that someone has to sweep wikis for spam?
If you can't write code, send money directly to the project
this is the most arrogant, elitist statement I have seen on a FOSS/OSS list in a long time.
On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 5:43 PM, Shirish Padalkar shirish4you@gmail.com wrote:
Almost we all use FOSS for daily works. I was thinking if we can contribute some money to some Open Source Projects.
I'd suggest beginning at an individual level. Select a software you use daily and, contribute to it for one month. See how you feel about it. Tell other people how it feels to be part of the project. Once you have a personal story to tell, you'd be able to reach out to more people.
On Sunday 03 Jan 2010 9:12:32 am sankarshan wrote:
On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 5:43 PM, Shirish Padalkar shirish4you@gmail.com
and do not forget that contribution could be as simple as giving feedback, how the software works in a certain situation, or doing translation - or even just translating those easy strings that you know - or even correcting a string - or even correcting a typo or spelling mistake in the wiki or in the documentation. Or even giving a line or two of explanation of obscure points in the documentation. Or by just being there for them and talking about the software...
On 1/3/2010 10:08 AM, Shirish Padalkar wrote:
WTH... I've put the idea about contributing MONEY mutually, and many people telling me HOW I CAN CONTRIBUTE. I know that how I can contribute. :|
Ha ha, welcome to the ground realities of ILUG culture :-) But one thing i got from the entire chain of conversation, is that apart from money is that you can also contribute by way of giving feedback and pointing out errors that you find in a package. You are welcome to contribute, few people on LUG will actually do that, which is why they talk - and i find the few people who have in the past donated cash money are not in this debate.