Dear all:
I'm working a paper on Free/Libre and Open Source Software in Schools and would be grateful if you could point me to useful links about such ventures, where it has been used successfully or otherwise.
A draft paper (work-in-progress) of what I've put together so far can be read at
Your suggestions, comments and critique is welcome.
Thanks in advance for any help you could offer. FN -- Frederick Noronha Ph 0091-832-2409490 List of Indian e-lists
On 10/4/07, Frederick Noronha [फ़रेदरिक नोरोनया] wrote:
There is a small typo - s/percentage/KPercentage. You may consider giving the url for KDE-Edu [1] and the mailing list url [3] as well. And may be you can add few more cool apps like KGeography, KLettres, Marble etc.
During this year's aKademy, there was day dedicated to KDE in Schools. Check the following links [4][5][6]. You should find slides and more importantly the videos even.
[1] [2] ( this one is simple online slideshow, really nice ) [3] [4] [5] [6]