Hello All,
Its good to see you all sharing ideas and contributing towards the open source revolution.Well, I got introduced to linux only a month ago by one of my coworkers, and I must admit that I found it a bit difficult to grasp at first.As I am starting to get used to it I am finding it more productive as compared to Windows and getting more excited about it I recently bought an eeePC, Its a marvellous combination of mobility and productivity, what more would you want in a notebook?
Since I am really new to Linux, I would really appreciate if you'll could help me improving my linux skills.Could you please suggest me on whats the best way of learning Linux in your opinion ? I mean do you learn by yourself by means of trail and Error or Its worth attending some professional Linux Training ?
Also does anyone know of Good Linux training Institutes in Vashi ? is anyone here from around Vashi area ?
Rehman Bhai,
Welcome to the world of linux!
The best way to learn is to work with linux. If you are a serious learner you will find level of Linux Institute way below mark. The institutes get money to teach you and not to get you teached. So buy a cheap PC, load linux and start banging the key board. It worked for 90% of list, why not for you.
Warm Regards,
Mukund Deshmukh, Beta Computronics Pvt Ltd. 10/1 IT Park, Parsodi, Nagpur -440022 India. Web site - http://betacomp.com
Chinaplas 2008, Shanghai, China. Hall E3, Booth P49
2008/2/29, Mukund Deshmukh mukund.deshmukh@gmail.com:
Agreed. Just install, play around with the OS and get your hands dirty. You may buy a few books if you prefer to learn that way, but nothing is more informative than the howtos assimilated on various mailing lists of various FOSS projects and LUGs.
On Tuesday 26 February 2008 04:53 pm, Rehman wrote:
Short answer - you dont require training at an institute. But....
What is your background? and what is it you want to learn. Learning to use a desktop is quite straight forward. Especially with a distro like ubuntu / kubuntu. No need for any course. Google will answer most questions, the rest this list will answer. OTOH learning any of the 100s of different things that computers can do along with free software is a never ending task. Again all resources are available on the web and imo the institutes are a sham. Learning takes from zero to infinity depending on what exactly you are trying to do.
Also does anyone know of Good Linux training Institutes in Vashi ? is anyone here from around Vashi area ?
On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 4:53 PM, Rehman rehman.contractor@gmail.com wrote:
Forget professional training institutes. Just experiment. If you get stuck up, shoot off a question here. If we're not able to solve it then get your machine to HBCSE ( mankhurd ). There are a lot of people to help you there. If thats not feasible, i'm sure someone on this list who works / stays near vashi will be more than happy to help you out at your place :)
Best of luck!