VOLUNTEERS OF the India Linux Users' Group (Goa) will put up a wide range of talks, during the ECAP in Panjim and Margao. ECAP is the Exhibition of Computers and Allied Products, to be organised by the Computer Society of India (CSI-Goa chapter) on Sept 13/14 in Panjim and Sept 20/21 in Margao. This is intended to be of interest to the enterprise segment, home-users, students, educationists and parents. In particular, there will be a special focus during the demos, scheduled to be held on the first floor of Hotel Mandovi, on September 13/14. More details from
Below are some of the talks to be scheduled during the ECAP:
Dr Gurunandan Bhat Enterprise Mail and Messaging Solutions With Linux
Animesh Nerurkar
Prof Kshama Fernandes, GIM Free Software In The World Of Finance
Topic: Kshama has been using Debian for her research in Finance. She will talk and demo the tools used, why these tools were selected etc.
o LaTeX -Documentation o PERL 5 -Data and File manipulation and simulation. o Shell Scripts - Data and File Manipulation and Wrapper Scripts. o Jgraph -building graphs from Data. o R -Statistical calculations o Gnumeric -Data manipulation and Data conversion. o Awk - for data manipulation o R - statistical software o Gnuplot o Pdfscreen - for slide shows
Stata -Statistical calculations Intended
Intended audience: Any newbie or professional who has questions about the power of GNU/Linux or wishes to witness the demo of this simulation.
Prof George Easaw, GEC Latex, the document preparation system in GNU/Linux. An introduction to Magicpoint.
Mario Alvarez, Goaing For A Holiday: A Made-In-Goa Hotel Management Software developed with GNU/Linux tools.
Tushar Joshi, currently runs the London Linux group Linux In London: What, How and Why Specially meant for LUG members. Others welcome too.
Dr Gurunandan Bhat Intranets
Dr Anil Seth, Head of IT, PCC Python, Without Venom
The talk will walk through a small, mundane utility program and in the process demonstrate how we can exploit Python to work at a very high level. We will assume that a person knows very little about Python but has some background about computers. We will discuss one concern at a time and discuss how to learn just what is needed to solve the problem on hand. The speaker hopes to convey the underlying simplicity of Python, the amazing power it gives us and the philosophy of Guido van Rossum to make programming accessible to all.
Bijon Shaha Linux... Made Easy!
Yunus Shaikh Embedded Linux
Arvind Clement Computer Security: A Primer For All Computer Users
Ashley Delaney Multimedia and GNU/Linux at home
This talk will attempt to focus on the multimedia aspects of the operating system that home-users generally deploy. It attempts to bridge the gap betwen commanplace Windows software and its GNU/Linux equivalents. It will showcase examples of a true mustitasking and home usage of comman tasks on a stable and virus free OS.
Arvind Yadav FLOSS in the corporate world
Sanil Talaulikar
Getting It Straight: Options For A Software Developer Under GNU/Linux (with a special focus on Sossegado, a game being built on the FLOSS platform.)
You can meet ECAP volunteers at the 'Rampon', Hotel Mandovi, Panjim (Sept 13/14, whole day), or at Adarsh Vidyalaya, Margao (Sept 20/21). FN
More details from: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frederick Noronha (FN) | Freelance Journalist | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- T: 0091.832.2409490 or 2409783 M: 0 9822 122436 -------------------------------------------------------------------------