At 9:15 PM +0530 20/11/05, Harshal wrote:
On 11/19/05, Rony Bill wrote:
A split image in a camera is mapped during its capture itself, so
in your case of post capture, you
will need some mapping software that marks the positions and then
creates the full image as per
the map. Use a small view level so that you find it easy to merge
smaller squares or rectangles and
that should reduce the strain on your video processing.
thanks for your replies. i tried that gnome pluging for merging, it works but its not so good. i mean for simpler images it does the job.
anyways by yesterday evening i got so fed up with this automatic merging thing that i decided to go manually. finally by the dinner time, with gimp, i manage to merge all images by drag an drop.
In publishing systems, the images do not themselves flow to the make-up pages, only low-res editable aliases. Are there no parallels for pure image processing, without the overhead of page make-up?