Dear All
WE are holding exclusive trainings for Red Hat Certified Architect Certifications at our Gurgaon centre
The modules and dates are =>
a) RH401 Red Hat Enterprise Deployment, Virtualization, and Systems Management: 21st - 23rd September 09 (full day)
b) RH436 Red Hat Enterprise Clustering and Storage Management: 24th - 27th September 09 (full day)
c) RH442 Red Hat Enterprise System Monitoring and Performance Tuning: 28th Sept - 1st October 09 (full day)
If any one is interested, pls contact offline at my email id
Varad Gupta Keen & Able Computers Pvt Ltd FOSTERing Linux New Delhi & Gurgaon +91-11-30880046/7/8/9 +91-124-4080880 FAX +91-11-41808565 +91-124-4268187
On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 1:43 PM, Varad Gupta <
wrote: Also, If it is possible for you to write an article on what is RHCE , how it will help, what is the cost and other issue , please do ahead to write another article on wiki.
On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 1:43 PM, Varad wrote:
Can you mail me off list with your RHCA course duration and nature of the course (full time/part time) and also course fees. ?
Also do tell me if you are a Red Hat Certified Training Partner. When I contacted the Mumbai office of Red Hat, I was told that there is presently no Red Hat Training partners offering RHCA in India.
Can you clarify this is lieu of your post to this list offering RHCA training ?