Hi With what command line tool in linux can a mime base 64 attachment/file be converted to its proper format?
Pls help. I have been unable to make much headway using synaptic
From: Kussh Singh Sent: Saturday 05 March 2011 03:02 PM
ripMIME may help. http://www.pldaniels.com/ripmime/
Regards Benoy
On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 4:45 PM, Benoy George bgenix@gmail.com wrote:
file just to try and decode the encoded portion. Also ripmime seems to be a little difficult for me at the moment. i am more used to the .deb versions of the various softwares. Thank you for the reply.
2011/3/5 Kussh Singh kussh.singh@gmail.com:
With what command line tool in linux can a mime base 64 attachment/file be converted to its proper format?
There's base64(1) from coreutils, there's a mimencode package, and even openssl can handle it (openssl base64). If you have MIME::Base64 installed, you can write your own perl one-liner.
If nothing works, try coding your own. The base 64 algorithm is so simple that you can have a C version up and running in an hour or so.