I have installed "Full (all packages)" Mandrake 9.0, I want to install flash player for any of the browsers - Mozilla, konquorer or galeon. I have given Mozilla a try with flash as follows. I did download and extract the files, and also copied into $HOME/.netscape/plugins and also added application/x-shockware-flash in the preferences->Navigator->Helper Application used swf (not .swf) as the extension. But mozilla doesnt even ask me if it can download the plugin for flash.
On Thu, 26 Dec 2002, Amish Munshi wrote:
I have given Mozilla a try with flash as follows. I did download and extract the files, and also copied into $HOME/.netscape/plugins and also added application/x-shockware-flash in the preferences->Navigator->Helper Application used swf (not .swf) as the extension. But mozilla doesnt even ask me if it can download the plugin for flash.
Mozilla doesnt ask you for downloading the plugin because you have already set a plugin for .swf files. Removing this from the preference might cause the download box to reappear. Also, Could you be more clear as to what the "files" are. Are these the files u downloaded from Macromedia.com? If so, then I would recommend downloading again as the new version has an install script which installs the plugins in the appropriate directories. You can also use gplflash available at http://www.swift-tools.com/Flash. It works beautifully well.
-- Bhargav Bhatt, Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University, NY.
the files, and also copied into $HOME/.netscape/plugins and also added
Try copying these files in the system path i.e. inside /usr/lib/.../netscape/plugins/ or where ever ur mozilla is installed. I hv tried this some time back and it is working very well.
application/x-shockware-flash in the preferences->Navigator->Helper Application used swf (not .swf) as the extension.
I hv no idea abt this. But flash is working properly on my browser without doing this.