Hi There, In Pine, how do u tell it to use a particular app for a particualr file type.. Like for .mp3 files, winamp etc... I saw only a couple of options in the setup. Bye, Surya __ __ |__ |__| |/ __|urya |rakash |\ompalli
Email - kompalli@cse.buffalo.edu Phone - Home - (716) 862 0366 (night only) :) Office - (716) 645 5084 - ext 19 Website - http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~kompalli/
Sometime on Sep 26, Suryaprakash Kompalli assembled some asciibets to say:
In Pine, how do u tell it to use a particular app for a particualr file type.. Like for .mp3 files, winamp etc... I saw only a couple of options in the setup.
Set the url-viewers setting (very last setting). You'll have to use the _SCHEME(scheme-list)_ option. It would be easier to set this in pinerc. I'll try it and let you know when I succeed, but check help till then, or examples on uwashington.