Some other options . . . (1) perl program through command line
perl -e 'rmdir "--@app.7"'
(2) perl program through STDIN
perl rmdir "--@app.7"
(3) Simplest of all (I should have given this answer first!)
rmdir ./--@app.7
Hey take it easy pal.It is ok , don't kick yourself for not giving the most appropriate answer the first time. And what i feel is, if one person has given the answer to a query then what is the point in repeating the same answer , if one has a different answer then he should tell , cause many a times good queries go unanswered, since the lug is flooded with answers to a single query. So regressions should be reduced.... Ciao Tapesh Sankha Subhra Som wrote:Some other options . . . (1) perl program through command line
perl -e 'rmdir "--@app.7"'
(2) perl program through STDIN
perl rmdir "--@app.7"
(3) Simplest of all (I should have given this answer first!)
rmdir ./--@app.7
Hello luggers.....;)
cmon...dont b such cold blooded. I need speakers who can talk on / teach the students hardcore gnu-linux based codin stuff.......
Lemme know asap...else i'll hav to star breathin down ur throats....:))
I just hav dinesh signed on.....btu again we are lookin @ core topics based on OS design, OSI model, perl/python/php codin........nd watever u can bring to this workshop.
Lemme know aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasap luggers.
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i can take up Perl and PHP. have worked for over 2 years.
what in OS design ? can do some home work if you want.
tell me today if u need my help. and what is the type of content expected ?
take care Harsh
--- Trevor Warren wrote: >
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--- Harsh Busa wrote:
[snip] okie. Seems good enough. We will hav to discuss the topics that u r well conversant with in php/perl.
what in OS design ? can do some home work if you want.
[snip] OS design u can leave to me, i will be doing quite a bit of that.
But most the topics that u hav relevant exp on. So put on ur thinking cap nd get movin.
Call me up on 8312930/31, we can discuss a whole lot nd meetup @ office. So get back asap...........
Ny1 who wantz to make it get back to me asap.
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i m off to ahemedabad till sunday. can meet some time on monday.
take care Harsh ----- Original Message ----- From: "Trevor Warren" To: Cc: Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 5:23 PM Subject: Re: [ILUG-BOM] SPEAKERS NEEDED....SOS
--- Harsh R Busa wrote:
i m off to ahemedabad till sunday. can meet some time on monday.
[snip] Thatz fine. Catch me as soon as u get around.
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----- Original Message ----- From: "Trevor Warren"
Hello luggers.....;)
cmon...dont b such cold blooded. I need speakers who
[snip] guess i wud be comfortable taking OSI, any intros to PRC, internet technologies, anything on security (open source security, software security etc). if anything else is reqd, i can do my homework too
- shankar
--- Shankar Ramchandran wrote:
[snip] then u r in pal...;)
===== ( >- GNU/LINUX, It's all about CHOICE -< ) /~\ __ __ /~\ | ) / mailto: \ (/ | |_|_ \ Research Asst, MediaLab / _|_| ___________________________________/
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On Tue, 17 Sep 2002, Tapeshwar Nath wrote:
should tell , cause many a times good queries go unanswered, since the lug is flooded with answers to a single query.
not just many answers to a single query, but many answers to a single query which should never have been asked because the answer was already in the documentation.