quasi quasiabhi@softhome.net wrote: __________
On Wed, 25 Aug 2004, Anand Sharma spake thusly:
Thanks for your valuable comment I will defiantly take in to deliberation.
What wrong if I am telling people not to make fun of newbies. Do you think newbie will join GLUG list if they will get such welcome.
People will join this list if they want to know about GNU/Linux and share some time with people of similar tastes /regardless of other things/.
Just to put things in perspective, I had asked who is RMS and got very angry answers. I would have been happy to have read the 10 questions Faq.
Btw, I had also asked if there was any substitute to vb in linux and got properly flame. Someone in the list did come to my resque, though and did support me for asking.
Regards saswata
This is not a fun place, this is a place to share and explore knowledge
This *is* (at least supposedly but not anymore I guess) a fun place. What is knowledge which you cannot enjoy ? For serious academic study, meditation, retrospection and sleep, there are class rooms.
The community shares and explores more when fun is a key ingredient.
Which explains why we have a "grouchy old man" for an admin and we share and explore so much.
-- quasi
Utopia Unlimited!
Scrapo spake thusly:
People will join this list if they want to know about GNU/Linux and share some time with people of similar tastes /regardless of other things/.
Just to put things in perspective, I had asked who is RMS and got very angry answers. I would have been happy to have read the 10 questions Faq. Btw, I had also asked if there was any substitute to vb in linux and got properly flame. Someone in the list did come to my resque, though and did support me for asking.
That's the whole point. There people of many types here with differing tolerance levels. Some will flame you, other will help you. But even the flames help show you some different facets of the community, it's culture of appreciating quality etc.etc. The code of conduct we develop and display defines us. We exist only virtually and *that* (it is represented physically by the emails we exchange) is all which is there to show that we ever existed.
Which is why so many of us are rather fastidious.
-- quasi
Utopia Unlimited!