Hi all, Can anybody tell me how to print hello world on kernel module loading in Debian GNU/Linux (sarge). As per the instruction mentioned in the book "Linux Device Driver",3rd edition, O'Relly publisher by author Rubiny, I tried to load module. But there are a lot of compilation errors concerning different header files. I failed to progress. Please help with details. Thanking you, linuxhazra@yahoo.co.in
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Hi Rakesh,
--- rakesh hazra rakeshhazra@yahoo.co.in wrote:
Use my device driver examples for 2.6 kernels:
Follow the README and let me know if you have any problems or if you get stuck.
-- Shakthi Kannan, MS Software Engineer, Hexaware Technologies [E]: shakthimaan@yahoo.com [M]: (91) 98407-87007 [W]: http://www.shakthimaan.com [L]: Chennai, India
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http://lwn.net/Kernel/LDD3/ Regards, BG
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On Friday 17 Feb 2006 12:31 am, Dinesh Joshi wrote:
On 2/15/06, rakesh hazra rakeshhazra@yahoo.co.in wrote:
Did you instal kernel-headders for your kernel?
$uname -r
will give you the version.
-- "GNU is the system, and Linux is the kernel." A proud GNU user http://www.gnu.org Me scribbles at http://www.pravi.co.nr