Hi all,
I an using Red Hat Linux 8.0. I have installed True Type Fonts (http://corefonts.sourceforge.net). The fonts work perfectly fine with all applications (Mozilla, Open Office, KDE applications, etc., but application based on gtk+ don't use these fonts. For example, Abiword. While using Abiword, the fonts list doesn't show the true type fonts that I have installed. Same with applications like Gedit, Gnumeric, Nautilus, etc. I can't figure out the problem. I tried deleting old cache files, old configuration files, of these applications, including .gnome, .gtkrc, etc. I also tried rebooting, but somehow these applications refuse to show these fonts.
Any clues, pointers?
Regards, Rajen.
-- Open WebMail Project (http://openwebmail.org)
Rajen M. Parekh writes:
1. Font De-uglification howto by Hal Burgiss at tldp.org 2. http://patriot.net/~scoile/fonts/fixing.html 3. http://thomasfly.com/Oranux/Pretty.htm#Fonts 4. http://home.c2i.net/dark/linux.html#ttf 5. http://whttp://www.kegel.com/linux/tt.htmlww.kegel.com/linux/tt.html 6. http://www.redhat.com/knowledgebase/newfontsystem/
Check the order of the fonts in your X11 Config file