I am using mkisofs to create a copy of a DVD. But this command is unable to to create an ISO due to read error.
The DVD works fine .. all study material works perfectly. Is there any security mechanism added in the DVD so that it can not be copied?
Is there any way to create a RAW copy of DVD?
Thanks, Richard Victor Correia PH: +91 9004911199
2010/12/3 Richard Victor Correia richard@florix.net:
The DVD works fine .. all study material works perfectly. Is there any security mechanism added in the DVD so that it can not be copied?
In most cases, yes.
Is there any way to create a RAW copy of DVD?
This is somewhat of a contentious issue. One method is here:
On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 12:48 PM, Binand Sethumadhavan binand@gmail.comwrote:
Thank you for the information. I just do not want to spoil the original DVD.
School kids .... you know...
Thanks, Richard Victor Correia PH: +91 9004911199
2010/12/3 jtd jtd@mtnl.net.in:
cat /dev/hda >/iso/rippeddvd.iso
Does this work, with a copy-protected DVD?
2010/12/3, jtd jtd@mtnl.net.in:
cat doesn't, but the DVD and the drive do - I don't think this "method" will work with a copy-protected DVD.
On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 6:46 PM, jtd jtd@mtnl.net.in wrote:
I am using Knoppix using VirtualBox. It is not showing /dev/hda1, but /media/sr1
This would not work with DVDs that are encrypted and Use Ripguard or any other copy protection.
If you do a bit--by-bit copy by reading underlying device and create ISO, it will fail with hardware read errors.
You can rent any of recent Disney DVDs to test that. Due to legal reasons, none of major distros ship with code to decrypt such DVDs. You have to install it yourself.
Works for me. I have libdvdcss2 installed.
This works for encrypted content, but:
1. Its not available in mainstream distros by default. And is not 100% legal. 2. It still does not help with newer DVDs such as Wall-E (and newer Disney / Pixar DVDs). These has additional copy protection ( E.g. unorthodox track structure). With Kids at home, I buy couple of such DVDs every other month.
On Sunday 05 Dec 2010, Shamit Verma wrote:
Is there any question of legality in using DECSS in India? I thought it's purely a .US problem.
-- Raj
tables in parliament last month (Nov 2010). And these suggested amendments seek to make it a punishable offense (Section 65 A in report). Specific text:
20.1 Clause 36 of the Bill seeks to insert new sections 65 A and 65 B in the Act relating to protection of technological measures and protection of rights management information. Section 65 A reads as follows:- (1) Any person who circumvents an effective technological measure applied for the purpose of protecting any of the rights conferred by this Act, with the intention of infringing such rights, shall be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to two years and shall also be liable to fine.
2010/12/5 Shamit Verma subs.linux.mum@vshamit.com:
Do you have a link for this? This is pretty much the DMCA, word for word.
Do you have a link for this? This is pretty much the DMCA, word for word.