thanks krishnakant,
I have recd the gnukhata debs, and will now proceed as planned. power to you guys.
we will email feedback to the developers, who will be at liberty to make it public *at their option.* however, i'll respond to offlist queries from individuals (there has already been one query).
to those who spoke in support of me, i'll say thanks. speak up more, because this mailing-list's culture is in the hands of such as us. trolling stops when we firmly speak, "you are nothing but old men inflicting your failures and frustrations upon us. stop polluting the list with your minor names and inconsequential rants at once."
thanks again!
suhit kelkar
On Wed, 2010-01-06 at 01:22 +0530, Suhit Kelkar wrote:
thanks krishnakant,
Most welcome, The credit goes to the entire GNUKhata team followed by all the volantary contributers and if any thing remains, I will take it :)
I have recd the gnukhata debs, and will now proceed as planned. power to you guys.
I hope GNUKhata will be productive for you and we all will be more than happy to help you.
Suhit, As I mailed you off-list, we have a full-time dedicated accountant named preeti. She is a part of the deployment taem and is specially entrusted the responsibility of solving problems which might come from new end-users. All the feedback you send will be discussed with her to find out how best we can solve your queries. She being the practicing accountant, will give us the non-technical view from the domain expert's side.
Well said.
Happy haciing. Krishnakant.
On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 1:22 AM, Suhit Kelkar <> wrote:
Looking out for 'yes men' is not a helpful way to develop and shape new ideas. Take criticism constructively. Learning from those who are more experienced is a blessing that should not be allowed to go waste.
On Wed, 2010-01-06 at 13:45 +0530, Rony Bill wrote:
Experience is one of the important things but not the only one. Some times it is the experience which makes one very rigid arrogant and might also make her/ him develop an attitude of claiming "I am right come what may". May be that person was right in a certain context but that person tens to speak on the old context which no longer might be valid in the current context. I think experience, specially in context of highly dynamic and creative things counds a lot when things start to fall apart and someone needs to hold the fort together and motivate people in a positive way by saying some thing like "I have been through all this rough patches and this is what I tryed to do ".
Happy hacking. Krishnakant.