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HEloo nikhil,
This is just to know if u r from Virar (district- Thane, state- maharashtra, india)
If so please revert back.
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Hi Ankur,
Are you from Virar ?
-----Original Message----- From: linuxers-bounces@mm.ilug-bom.org.in [mailto:linuxers-bounces@mm.ilug-bom.org.in]On Behalf Of qa zx Sent: Friday, May 23, 2003 6:20 PM To: GNU/Linux Users Group, Mumbai, India Subject: Re: [ILUG-BOM] System Administrator
HEloo nikhil,
This is just to know if u r from Virar (district- Thane, state- maharashtra, india)
If so please revert back.
__________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. http://search.yahoo.com
Helooo richard,
i m from vasai. Where r u from. I was unable to attend any functions of ILUG as they are arranged at far flung places. So richard what r u doing for u r living. I myself i s very interested to do career in linux or pure networking what about u.Presently i m working with CMS.
Mail me soon
Ankur here
--- Richard Unitek richardc@unitek.co.in wrote:
__________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Calendar - Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM). http://calendar.yahoo.com
qa zx wrote:
Hi pards
I hate to poke my horse into your warm conversations, but discussions like this can be kept offlist...as had been pointed out by the sheriffs earlier. And please, although I have'nt attended a LUG meet at Mumbai myself, they can hardly be categorized as "functions"!!
I hope the sheriffs of the list will send a "personal" mail to the people involved...(including me)
Soory for breaking the rules.
--- Sthitaprajna sp.jena@irisindia.net wrote:
__________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Calendar - Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM). http://calendar.yahoo.com
Hi all, There have been number of occassions when we have 1. Received off topics mails like bio-data, business marketing ads... 2. People have been broadcasting instead of direct mailing, just to ask "let me know where do you stay" kind of questions
In fact the people who have been sending the CVs on the list seem so pathetic....They submit .DOC files on a GNU/Linux list, dont bother to read the list guidelines....by reading the CVs, I havent felt even single of the thing posted yet makes an impression...They all seem to be coming with working knowledge and lack nerdy insight.
Can we remove the users who send CVs and business adds directly by sending them (to them, not to group) a notification mail? We dont need them anyways so why bother?
Coming to the second point, lot of people tend to broadcast unnecessarily, can the administrator send them a personal mail in this case and warn them?
This all might seem harsh, but certainly the users should follow list guidelines and if they are not, admin should mediate, this is what I feel. We are certainly not interested to know who stays where and who has what qualifications...
Regards, Kiran Ghag Web Page: http://kiran7.freeservers.com _____
Often statistics are used as a drunken man uses lampposts, for support, rather than illumination.
To the members of the list,
I am in favour of Kiran Ghag's suggestion of stopping (non-Linux related) business marketing ads, and "where do you stay" kind of mails.
On the resume front, I propose a separate list could be setup for those who would like to advertise their Linux skills. Anyone interested in hiring or partnering with others could subscribe to that list, the others obviously will not.
I cannot resist making my next point. :P You see people sending their resumes are not "pathetic", they are in an unfortunate position in their life, and granted, do not take the time to study the rules. Also, if they send DOC files, then it seems they are the ones who are up-to-date, since they know about OpenOffice.org, KOffice, etc. being available for Linux. Sending a DOC file just avoids re-creating a document in another strange format, and I think that is a "smart" thing.
Clinton Goveas http://www.clintongoveas.com
--- DistantHost.com Free Hosting Founder's Circle http://www.distanthost.com
On Fri, 23 May 2003, Clinton Goveas wrote:
I dont know what is smarter: Knowing HTML,Latex,Docbook or knowing *Office
I beleive HTML is one of the most versatile formats and people shpuld format their CV's in HTML
Also IMHO PDF is again one of the best formats for information sharing. The reader is free for Linux and Windows and you can make PDF's with ghostscript+pdflatex
I've seen people fretting over their .doc documents. Fonts, Indentation, it all seems to get messed up when you open .doc files in different Office suites.
-- Nikhil
On Fri, 23 May 2003, Clinton Goveas wrote:
resumes are not "pathetic", they are in an unfortunate position in their life, and granted, do not take the time to study the rules. Also, if
Gee, you'd think that they'd take a little more effort then...
they send DOC files, then it seems they are the ones who are up-to-date, since they know about OpenOffice.org, KOffice, etc. being available for
DOC files are evil. plain and simple. There's many more things wrong with DOC files than the fact that the format is proprietary. I've posted my reasons before (possibly on a different list), so go ahead and search for it.
-- "Dodge this."
-- Trinity, "The Matrix"
HI I want to override group perissions for a single user .. can this be done? i.e I want all the users in a particular group to have write access to a particular file barring a single user from the same group. Pls tell me how to go about
===== ninad purohit ninadonline(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)in have a nice day :-)
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At 08:28 even 5/23/03 +0530, CG wrote:
Recreating a document in another strange format is lame, agreed. Using M$ 'doc' format as your main format is lamer.
I dont use any of the office suits. So you are excluding me from your readership. But I do have gv, links -- and many a text editors. ;-)
I thank everyone for their feedback, and I'm glad to see the only point on which some of you guys disagreed with me is on the point of format w.r.t resumes. LOL :P
Clinton Goveas http://www.clintongoveas.com
--- DistantHost.com Free Hosting Founder's Circle http://www.distanthost.com