We will be having an IRC meeting at 22:00 IST tomorrow (24th Jan, 2016). Anyone interested in helping out with the event, please join the #debian-in channel on OFTC. For those of you new to IRC, you can use the following link to connect to the channel:
We will be having an IRC meeting at 22:00 IST tomorrow (24th Jan, 2016).
Minutes of the meeting are available here: http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-in/2016/debian-in.2016-01-24-16.31.html .
The full meeting logs are available here: http://meetbot.debian.net/debian-in/2016/debian-in.2016-01-24-16.31.log.html .
Dear Rigved,
Thanks for sharing Minutes & log.
On Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 11:52 PM, Rigved Rakshit r.phate@gmail.com wrote:
On Mon 25 Jan, 2016 03:49 purveshrshah wrote:
Dear Rigved,
Thanks for sharing Minutes & log.
Everyone, we need help with publicity. Please share the event among your contacts.