Evening Fellas,
Am looking to build an MP3 player based on Gnu-/linux. This would be based essentially on one of the embedded processor architectures either the MIPS or the x86.
The whole issue is as follows, i have a 25x25rms amplifier at my residence and would like to have an mp3 player with an LCD-Remote Control connected to it. The building of the mp3 player is the easiest part. The tough part is finding hardware that would be the right fit.
What are the boards i should be looking at?. Any ideas or url's that i could RTFM???.
Thanks and take care.
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--- Trevor Warren trevorwarren@yahoo.com wrote:
What are the boards i should be looking at?.
Not sure if it will meet your requirements, but, you can check out LART, worth 230 UK pounds:
-- proudly anti-micro$oft ------------------------------------------------------------ Shakthi Kannan, MS Software Engineer, Specsoft (Hexaware Technologies) [E]: shakthimaan@yahoo.com [M]: (91) 98407-87007 [W]: http://www.shakthimaan.com [L]: Chennai, India ------------------------------------------------------------
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Morning Dear,
--- Shakthi Kannan shakthimaan@yahoo.com wrote:
Not sure if it will meet your requirements, but, you can check out LART, worth 230 UK pounds:
Thanks for the link dear. Have looked at lart earlier but these are really expensive to obtain here in india and we might just find something better and more economic.
Thanks again and take care.
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--- Trevor Warren trevorwarren@yahoo.com wrote:
If you can manage without a remote, how about a 512MB or 1 GB pen drive with mp3 headphone output? Connect that to your 25x25 amp. Is it one of those Phillips amp circuits? No need for any comp. to be on.
1 minute mp3 = 1 MB memory. 1 GB = 1000 Minutes of songs.
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Morning Dear,
--- Rony Bill ronbillypop@yahoo.co.uk wrote:
There is a huge limitation with these Pen Drives. The storage costs a bomb and you can never upgrade the storage since its flash based. Instead if we built our own little juke box with an IDE internal drive it would be a storehouse for numbers of all kinds.
Also once we have standardised an embedded architecture/platform for the mp3 player i can go about designing the specs of the application.
The player in mind will have the following features:
Will be based in a compact box that can sit atop my
The underlying board can either be based on an
x86/MIPS based core
It should have an interface to allow for an LCP o/p
that will enable the user to scroll through the numbers being played.
It should haev an interface allowing the user to
remotely scroll/play the numbers he/she desires.
Last but not the least i would prefer any x86/ MIPS
based board that allows for quick booting times. No fancy features really.
This is my initial list of what i percieve in my home mp3 player. We need to start by looking at the base boards in the first place. Sherlock is a guru on this one....lets see if he has any aces up his sleeve on this one...:D.
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