Hi dhanesh,
Could you please be specific on which sites u have problems with coz I can ask other admins to test them..and we'll find out whether the problem is specific or general.
Well as rishi pointed out Masquerading may help...but then the purpose of caching pages is not met.
Check /var/log/squid/access.log it will show u if the component has been rejected or a MISS..maybe if u could send specific logs...might clinch the problem..!
I use a sify gateway to the internet..and they use a cache engine based on squid..! I'am not able to log onto http://chat.mantraonline.com the applet cannot connect to the server.
If you wanna enable MASQ just put these lines in /etc/rc.d/rc.local
#--------------------------------------------------------------- # Load the NAT module #--------------------------------------------------------------- modprobe iptable_nat
#--------------------------------------------------------------- # Allow masquerading # Enable routing by modifying the ip_forward /proc filesystem file
# - Interface eth0 is the internet interface
# - Interface eth1 is the private network interface
iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -o eth0 -s -d 0/0 -j MASQUERADE
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
#--------------------------------------------------------------- # Prior to masquerading, the packets are routed via the filter # table's FORWARD chain.
# Allowed outbound: New, established and related connections
# Allowed inbound : Established and related connections #---------------------------------------------------------------
iptables -A FORWARD -t filter -i eth1 -m state \
iptables -A FORWARD -t filter -i eth0 -m state \
You could also google for mini howto on Transparent Proxy...its normally the first link.
You seem to be a advanced user, and examining logs is the way out.
Bye Rgds
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