Hi I have downloaded Apache2.2.9 tar file.The instalation guide asks me to copy the tar file in /usr/local/directory.but i am not able to do it because it says I don't have any rights since i am not in root.Also I tried to do in my own directory.This is what i did: I unzipped the tar file of Apache(its name being httpd-2.2.9.tar.bz2) in my own directory.Then using terminal i connected directory by 'cd' then did ./configure. After that it does lots of checking and then i did 'make' and after lots of procedure i did 'make install'.These were the instructions given in the LINUX FOR YOU magazine in one of the articles regarding setting up web servers.But then how do i know my server has started, Then anyone could anyone guide me with PHP5.2.6 installation in short word. I also want to install MySQL.I wanted one more advice which databse platform is better MySQL or SQlLite.I dont know the difference.Thank you for the efforts for reading these.Please help i hav tried almost all the sources and i am a newbie in linux and have installed UBUNTU_8.04
Thanks and Regards,
2008/7/5 prasad prabhu prap19@rediffmail.com:
Alternatively, If you want to install them properly without hassles from binary packages, ask the system administrator and get yourself root or sudo access. After which either connect it to internet or pop in Ubuntu DVD, and issue following command. $ sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server-5.0
On Saturday 05 Jul 2008 22:29, prasad prabhu wrote:
You need to read up on users, file permissions etc., various things about a GNU/Linux system. This is completely different from the crap u are used to on a doze box. Read this up before diving into the deep end. http://tldp.org/LDP/sag/html/index.html