hy linuxers
i just come from baroda to mumbai and join the lugm list
i am looking for a good linux job here.
if any one have a place for me i will very thankful to them
i am ready to work as a trainee also
i can configure most of server comfortabley except mailserver,database server
aliasgar kathiriya
2/277/3589 tagore nagar, vikhroli(e) mumbai
ph no 25744547
--------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Platinum - Watch CBS' NCAA March Madness, live on your desktop!
You should try Netcore. They generally seem to be looking out for people in various capacities. Check out their web site: http://www.netcore.co.in/
Best wishes, Clinton Goveas
--- The Open Source Knowledge Base - Everything you wanted to know about Open Source http://os.clintongoveas.com/
hy linuxers i just come from baroda to mumbai and join the lugm list i am looking for a good linux job here. if any one have a place for me i will very thankful to them i am ready to work as a trainee also i can configure most of server comfortabley except mailserver,database server *snip*
This is how lists go to dogs... And this is also why we must segregate it.
I agree that a free for all to use and post is a good gesture, but then what do we do to protect our freedom? Such mails do give me a good laugh once in a while, but what mechanisms do we have to discourage such behaviour in the first place?
Whatever the opinions and reasons, I feel at a time slated for humungous growth in subscribers like this, one must <b>rethink</b>
The bottomline: We need to look at an overhaul.
Amol Hatwar.
--- Amol Hatwar rollacosta@phreaker.net quoted:
Amol Hatwar rollacosta@phreaker.net then wrote:
must <b>rethink</b>
The bottomline: We need to look at an overhaul.
The very reason for a mailing list is to enable exchange of ideas.It also serves the purpose of providing people with a source of help/information in our chosen area of Linux.Without a mix of new n old - how will the newbies learn? If you make a list of things that people are worried about, its basically about: 1) Posts irrelevant to the list purpose 2) Posts not following the posting guidelines(top posting/line length etc)
Think carefully- and you'll realise that these problems cannot be eliminated by splitting the list along any parameter. For eg, You can have a Developer list..what happens when a newbie developer joins? (he promptly violates top-posting/line length guides)
I'm surprised at the level of intolerance here. Nobody protests 'Commercial' marked mails looking for people - but this guy's post for a job gets jeers. Spare a thought for the guy's need -he surely must be desperate if he's posting to a list like this. I agree that there is a need for some order in our list - but i dont think we're going about it in the right way. You talk about segregating lists -who decides whether you are fit to join a list or not? I firmly believe this issue is being blown out of proportion..and hope people will start to get back to the business of linuxing...
regds, kishor
__________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Platinum - Watch CBS' NCAA March Madness, live on your desktop! http://platinum.yahoo.com
kishor bhagwat writes:
Spare a thought for the guy's need -he surely must be desperate if he's posting to a list like this.
We should have guidelines for commercial and for "job-seeker" mails. I shudder at the thought that if every new member who needs a job posts on this list. I will spend more time suffering from other people's desperation than answering GNU/Linux related questions. :-)
This is not a trivial issue. I seriously believe someone is trolling and planting flamebaits on this the list purposely. I feel this way because the "noise" on this list has increased dramatically in the past few weeks or so. If we don't address this issue, GNU/Linux veterans may start unsubscribing from this list. We don't want this, do we? And as everyone else we would like to get back to the issue of linuxing.
Vinayak Hegde APGDST Student NCST-JUHU
Sorry for one more non-linux mail
If memory serves me right, On Mar 29, 2003 at 10:55am, vinayak_hegde@softho...:
:kishor bhagwat writes: :> Spare a thought for the guy's need -he surely must be :> desperate if he's posting to a list like this. : :We should have guidelines for commercial and for "job-seeker" mails. :I shudder at the thought that if every new member who needs a job :posts on this list. I will spend more time suffering from other people's :desperation than answering GNU/Linux related questions. :-) : :> I firmly believe this issue is being blown out of :> proportion..and hope people will start to get back to the :> business of linuxing... : :This is not a trivial issue. I seriously believe someone is trolling :and planting flamebaits on this the list purposely. I feel this way because :the "noise" on this list has increased dramatically in the past few weeks :or so. If we don't address this issue, GNU/Linux veterans may start :unsubscribing from this list. We don't want this, do we? And as everyone
I don't want to claim myself as GNU/Linux veteran but I stopped reading mails on this list not because of such mails but partially because of "I know everything" attitude on this list.
:else we would like to get back to the issue of linuxing. : :Vinayak Hegde :APGDST Student :NCST-JUHU : :-- : : :http://mm.ilug-bom.org.in/mailman/listinfo/linuxers :
Hey Mayuresh,
I agree to your concerns on someone who is finding a job .. I dont discourage such posts, but the very reason what is discouraged is not abiding to the guidelines. The guidelines have been sent to them the moment they subscribe, i feel that they tend to overlook it as the I AGREE button on the license agreement of any proprietory software. WHO CARES kinda attitude is STRONGLY Discouraged.
For all other LUGGERS.
Just in case if any of the lugger dont have the guidelines mail refer below
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to the GNU/Linux User Group of Bombay (ilug-bom)!
Now that you are a member you can read and post mails to the group. The messages have to be related to propogating, using, trouble-shooting, bug-fixing, of GNU/Linux operating system. Feature comparision of other operating systems and distributions is allowed, but restrain from BASHING. GNU/Linux is possibly the most friendly operating system, and hence as users of the OS let us all maintain a FRIENDLY tone to our conversations on the list. YOU are the best judge to determine the relevance or irrelevance of your post to GNU/Linux, and therefore you are responsible for your postings.
Since this is not a moderated list, please read the guidelines before posting mails to the list. The sole functioning of this list is based on the self disciplinary nature of its users.
ILUG-Bom Mailing List participation Guidelines ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
1. Keep paragraphs and messages short and to the point. See that what you are writing is useful to the mailing list. If not, send it as a private message to the person. (Note that by default the mails go to the LIST) Please change the sender address appropriately before sending a personal mail.
2. When quoting another person, edit out whatever isn't directly applicable to your reply. Don't let your mailing software automatically quote the entire body of messages you are replying to when it's not necessary. Take the time to edit any quotations down to the minimum necessary to provide context for your reply. Nobody likes reading a long message in quotes for the third or fourth time, only to be followed by a one line response: "Yeah, me too." Messages larger than 10k will not be posted immediately. Such messages will need the list admins approval.
3. Focus on one subject per message and always include a pertinent subject title for the message, that way the user can locate the message quickly. Also please include a suitable header in case of Commercial / Offtopic mails.
4. Capitalize words only to highlight an important point or to distinguish a title or heading. Capitalizing whole words that are not titles is generally termed as SHOUTING! *Asterisks* surrounding a word can be used to make a stronger point. Use the underscore symbol before and after the title of a book, i.e. _Linux Configuration And Installation_
5. Limit line length to approximately 65-70 characters and avoid control characters.
6. NEVER send chain letters to the mailing list. A mail simultaneously sent to more than 10 users will not reach the list. This is to eliminate possible spammers/bulk mailers to reach the list.
7. Be careful when using sarcasm and humor. Without face to face communications your joke may be viewed as criticism. When being humorous, use emoticons (smiley's) to express humor. (tilt your head to the left to see the emoticon smile) :-) = happy face for humor.
8. If a mail has offended you personally, please send a private message to the person expressing how you feel, instead of sending it to the mailing list.
9. Please remember that we have both male and female members. No gender abuse is allowed on the list, and do not include any gender specific slang in your posts.
10. Acronyms can be used to abbreviate when possible, however messages that are filled with acronyms can be confusing and annoying to the reader. Examples: IMHO = in my humble/honest opinion FYI = for your information BTW = by the way Flame = antagonistic criticism. http://www.jargon.org for more such acronymns.
11. Please provide URL's to articles wherever possible. Avoid cutting and pasting whole articles especially considering the fact that all may not be interested. In any case your posting maynot be more than 10k. Occassionally if you may have to send such a mail, post it, it will reach the members after the list admin approves it.
12. When using the mailing list for commercial purpose, please prefix the subject line with "COMMERCIAL".
13. Please *read all your mails before replying* to a mail. Probably someone has already answered to the mail.
14. Remember that most of the people are paying by the minute for their internet access. Hence please do not waste bandwidth.
15. Any violation to the above will be given a warning. 5 such warnings and the subscriber will be suspended from the mailing list for 15 days.
Compiled by -
(G.Sagar. with a few additions by Nagarjuna G. and Sandesh Rao)
Also i have uploaded this guidelines on following URL http://www.enterux.com/lug/guidelines.txt
Kapil please have the Guidelines link posted on the front page of ilug-bom.org.in site...
Point 12 has to be noted by all those Job Seekers, HR Consultants, If they are found to disobey it, they are not going to be entertained on the list.
As this gives the options of those luggers who want to read it or no.
I know my this post is more then 10K according to point 11, but i could not help myself to post the guidelines again. I would request to please close this thread of "LIST TO DOGS "
This would be the prior agenda on the 13th April Meet, so we can close the issue for now.
Mayuresh Bakshi writes:
Perhaps you should start reading the mails again. I don't claim to be a GNU/Linux veteran or expert in any of my mails to this list. As far as I can recall no member has. Asking for cooperation from posters to follow mailing list guidelines should not be misconstrued as "I know everything" attitude. I AM NOT A BOT BUT A HUMAN. I don't get paid to answer all the questions that people throw at this mailing list. I have finite amount of time on my hands. I don't answer questions on this mailing list because I have nothing better to do.
Given this scenario, it is not unreasonable to expect people to do their their homework before posting on this list and follow certain rules decided by the community. If you don't want to listen to others opinions however contrary to yours, you are better off not reading mails on this list. Don't get me wrong here, but no one is forcing you to read mails or answer them on this list. This is a voluntary effort and it is necessary that people adhere to some guidelines to prevent chaos on this list as before.
That said there are some people on this list whose opinions are more significant as they have worked in this field for years and helped newbies like me to learn GNU/Linux. We don't want these people to leave this mailing list as many others can benefit from their experience and depth of knowledge. That is what i meant by GNU/Linux veterans.
Some people on this mailing list have to understand that GNU/Linux is not just another software or just another OS. It's a movement, an attitude and a way of life.
Vinayak Hegde APGDST Student NCST-JUHU
I identified splitting the list as a possible solution. But I think we aren't very sure of the problem itself. You did identify the problem well and I agree to all that you said.
But my main concern is that we need to take time out and really think on how to fix things. Maybe we can try publishing thorough guidelines on how the list should be used, and also do the same as a welcome mail when somone joins the list. Whatever that makes people aware.
Amol Hatwar.
hi all,
just to summarize what we have so far (trying to take in only what refers to problem definition and solutions offered so far) -
Problems - 1.. off topic postings 2.. top-posting, lines too long, subject line unacceptable for some reason 3.. same questions/ problems being thrown up repeatedly
Some solutions offered so far - 1. seperate mailing lists - sorted on questions, not people - therefore, a user sending a question should see where it belongs and post to that list. 2. subscribers themselves reply to their first post 3. auto response to mails with a particular kind of subjects/ no subjects 4. members should read the first mail which specifies the guidelines
It may help to look at these problems considering the
Purpose of this mailing list -
To provide space to linux users - new and old - to discuss and solve linux-related problems. note : anyone can join the list. The list does not have a fixed moderator and depends on the maturity of individual members to keep things smooth.
Everyone is free to add to the points above to make it comrpehensive but compact.
hereon, i am stating my personal opinions
for a list that is free in nature, the problems 1 and 2 will occur. I feel people should stay cool - any of these defaults - just delete the mail. a consistent defaulter can be complained against , given a warning, and then unsubscribed / told to unsubscribe for not following simple rules and bringing the group down rather than up with his presence.
a copy of the guidelines can be sent every month like that reminder mail that comes for the password - i find that we refer a lot to those first mail guidelines but have not posted them again in the 100 odd mails exchanged.
I think it is natural that unless an issue is capped and documented for reference, it will come up and get discussed again and again. lets put our thoughts into making our discussions better accessible for the future - classified archives/ faq/ any other way = i think this is a worthwhile activity into which the linux professionals can put their minds, and specify the quantum of work to be done. then let people put their hands up to do it. it will benefit a lot of people for a lot of time.
evaluate if a moderator can be had, on a rotational basis. he needs to work only by exception, if people default on some stated parameters.
HTH Abhijit
guys, i echo the sentiment that this issue is taking up too much time and space - lets finish it off once and for all.
On Sun, 30 Mar 2003, Abhijit Bhabhe wrote:
Problems -
2.. top-posting, lines too long, subject line unacceptable for some reason
Your own reply line-length is not fixed yet.
How do you propose to sort questions to different mailing lists, it is not as easy, for example, I may have a question about LAMP deployment, I have probably done all standard configs, but certain things on my network don't work. Do I send the message to a LAMP only list or a networking list, if I am not sure where the problem lies?, there will be many questions like this specially from newbies, so it is better to have single list with suggestive subjects, let members classify things on their own. Less headache for administrators also.
I would really like to see how many read through that long list of guidelines, my guess is less than 20% of new members are reading the guidelines.
hereon, i am stating my personal opinions
just delete the mail.
I am not too happy to delete 20 out of 25 mails that I pay to download. Clue levels must increase to some decent standard.
a copy of the guidelines can be sent every month like that reminder mail
guys, i echo the sentiment that this issue is taking up too much time and space - lets finish it off once and for all.
Yes please, let's us stop discussing this, we have battered this topic to its death.
best, Rajesh
Purpose of this mailing list -
To provide space to linux users - new and old - to >discuss and solve
linux-related problems.
note : anyone can join the list. The list does not have a >fixed moderator
and depends on the maturity of >individual members to keep things smooth.
It's all very good Abhijit, but it's GNU/Linux and NOT Linux.
Actually after what Abhijit and others wrote I think seperating the list will not do us good. The confluence between old and new users is a must, we'll lose a lot if all the experiences of the old and more seasoned GNU/Linux users are taken away from us.
So the logical step would be to tighten our policies, and enforce them in a fool-proof and non-relaxing manner.
Amol Hatwar.
# cat >> ~/.procmailrc
:0: * ^Subject:(.*dogs|.*job) /dev/null ^D
# /usr/games/quake
On Tue, Apr 01, 2003 at 04:36:31PM +0530, Amol Hatwar wrote:
Could make a great BOFH tool ... a version of Quake where all the things and people you obliterate are actually trivial things like mail folders, project files, home directories, user accounts etc ... can only be played under superuser privileges! :-D
:((( :(((
# sed -e 's/.*job/\0|.*use of root/' ~/.procmailrc >~/tmp # mv ~/tmp ~/.procmailrc
# who she loves moose.home!manish # :) bash: syntax error near unexpected token `:)'
# /usr/games/quake
On Tue, 1 Apr 2003 16:06:25 +0530 Devdas Bhagat wrote:
He probably changed his PS1 for the sake of 1st April. If that's true... I'm sorry :p
Hi Amol,
Sorry to barge in as I am not a regular member of this list and don't even read mails on this alias for months.
But couldn't resist to reply to such arrogant mail.
I understand your concern but this is certainly not the way to treat such mails.
What is so entertaining or riduculous about this mail that made u laugh.. If you are a student or fresher then I really don't know what to say as you can't understand feelings of the person who is trying all ways to get a job. If you are an experienced person then remember the old days..
Hi Aliasgar,
Don't get discouraged by such mails and keep trying.. I am sure you'll land into a good opportunity soon..
Best wishes,
PS: flames > /dev/null
If memory serves me right, On Mar 29, 2003 at 12:36pm, Amol Hatwar wrote:
AH:hy linuxers AH:i just come from baroda to mumbai and join the lugm list AH:i am looking for a good linux job here. AH:if any one have a place for me i will very thankful to them AH:i am ready to work as a trainee also AH:i can configure most of server comfortabley except mailserver,database AH:server AH:*snip* AH: AH:This is how lists go to dogs... And this is also why we must segregate it. AH: AH:I agree that a free for all to use and post is a good gesture, but then what AH:do we do to protect our freedom? Such mails do give me a good laugh once in AH:a while, but what mechanisms do we have to discourage such behaviour in the AH:first place? AH: AH:Whatever the opinions and reasons, I feel at a time slated for humungous AH:growth in subscribers like this, one must <b>rethink</b> AH: AH:The bottomline: We need to look at an overhaul. AH: AH:Regards, AH: AH:Amol Hatwar. AH: AH: AH: AH: AH:-- AH: AH: AH:http://mm.ilug-bom.org.in/mailman/listinfo/linuxers AH:
----- Original Message ----- From: "Mayuresh Bakshi" mbakshi@cisco.com To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 8:03 AM Subject: Re: [ILUG-BOM] seeking a job
I think you should have a look at the entire thread before sending a reply. The problem here is not that someone has asked regarding a job. The matter is that the person should have marked his mail as [commercial] or something so that every one does not waste time. Again, the person sending the mail does not even have any idea of what the list is for or what it does and hasnt even bothered to look at the threads to find out what is normally discussed on the list. The problem is with attitudes and method of writing mails.
If that does not improve, many people who would have contributed on the list will simply unsubscribe and we will be left with people like me who cannot contribute because I dont know enough and you who does not bother to contribute. Then the list will actually go to dogs.
Regards Saswata
AH: AH:I agree that a free for all to use and post is a good gesture, but then
AH:do we do to protect our freedom? Such mails do give me a good laugh
once in
AH:a while, but what mechanisms do we have to discourage such behaviour in
On Tue, Apr 01, 2003 at 09:50:56AM +0530, Saswata Banerjee & Associates wrote:
I think you should have a look at the entire thread before sending a reply.
Very important observation ... this happens rarely, but should be stressed as much as the other cribs that people have. Even the guidelines say it, I believe ... please read all the mails before you decide to reply to any one mail.
It's OK sometimes I do the same when I'm busy.
But couldn't resist to reply to such arrogant mail.
I understand your concern but this is certainly not the way to treat such mails.
And how exactly did I treat it? Sure I deleted it!
Well, now you've motivated me enough to trod upon the theory of mailing lists... Mailing lists are primarily mechanisms to share and distribute information that benefits the community that subscribes to it at large. How does Aliasagar's mail benefit us, or what does it share?
Sure, he may be in a tight/desperate position; but this is _not_ the way one should ask help. Aliasagar has acted irresponsibly. In fact, this mail might have done him more harm than good. If I'm in some company's HR department I'd make sure that people who act without responsibility don't get in.
And above all else, this list (like most lists) is archived. One small clever search can yield a lot. Trust me, the shame sticks.
Aliasagar, firstly, no offence meant. Try you must, but try in places or lists that are more job oriented. Every room in your house has a primary use. You wouldn't pee in the living room and cook food in the toilet.
Places on the Internet like web-sites/mailing lists etc. have a primary function too. The function for this particular list happens to be topics related to GNU/Linux and NOT jobs.
You should look at what's going on, read usage policies etc. before making your move. Doing anything you want anywhere you want will only get you cruel mails like these.
I wish you all the luck for your career and sincerely hope that you act in a more responsible fashion in the future.
Amol Hatwar. [Regretful of the fact that such a rally actually happened; But happy that this mail will make things more clearer to the unawares]
PS: Mayuresh, Please quote people in conversations the right way. (Previous matter removed by ah on April 1, 2003)