Date: Sunday, 24th August 2008 Time: 2:00 - 5:00 PM Venue: HBCSE, Mankhurd, Mumbai (Nagarjun/Anurag, please confirm the venue booking) Agenda:
1. Programing JavaScript (Subject to speaker's availability - Anurag, Please confirm)
2. Fix mailing list archives search (Namazu)
3. Add any other required collaboration software on ILUG-BOM server.
4. Discuss strategy and action plan to oppose and defeat Software Patents in India.
More details to follow. Please RSVP on ILUG Wiki.
See you all in great numbers. With regards,
On Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 5:56 PM, Dinesh Shah (દિનેશ શાહ/दिनेश शाह) < dineshah@gmail.com> wrote:
So we finally have someone in charge of announcing meets,fixing the agenda without too much of a hassle.Thanks a lot and Keep going.
Regards, Easwar Registered Linux user #442065
New to the list, so please be kind.
I'm the guy giving the JavaScript talk. Please consider this as a confirmation that I'll be around for the talk.
To help with preparing, it would be great if you guys could please help me with the following:
1. What should I consider the general expertise in JavaScript? Web programming in general? 2. What kind of stuff would you be interested in knowing about JavaScript? Would you like this to be a general talk about trends and such? Would you like to know about the language itself instead, with or without it's relevance to the browser/web? Are code examples ok? Do you hate slide shows (like I do) ;)? Would you like me to pull up a REPL and try out code snippets instead? 3. How long will it be ok for me to talk before you guys doze off?
Please chime in.
On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 6:10 PM, Rakesh Pai rakeshpai@gmail.com wrote:
[snip: even when I think a 7 KB limit for a message is ridiculous - please move to google groups if this is unavoidable - context is lost when people snip messages, and I'm not changing my signature because it helps alert people to NOT send me junk - If this doesn't go through, I'm not posting here anymore.]
Take a look at Douglas Crockford's "The JavaScript programming language" and
"Advanced JavaScript" slides and videos on Yahoo Videos. That is exactly what people learning JavaScript should know.
Not all slide shows are boring. Slide shows that have actual content with examples fed into them look interesting just like those from Crockford's tutorial.
Many people dispose JavaScript as a useless "scripting" language, which it is really not. People fail to shed light on the functional aspects of the programming language, its usage outside browsers to script agents, to create user interfaces and bindings for the Mozilla platform, it's use in the CouchDB database to write map/reduce functions as well as JSON for a data interchange format.
JavaScript compression, real-world deployment, etc. are interesting topics for people too.
When expecting an audience for JavaScript you can expect people that already know their loops from their conditional statements. However, a quick demonstration on how programming constructs work wouldn't hurt for the newbies. Live examples using the Firebug developer plugin or any other REPL would be awesome to work with. Many of us are already experienced with using at least one dynamic programming language.
I wouldn't doze off in a JavaScript *interactive* session, though 2 hours is good enough. You could upload examples online and have us come prepared by downloading them so we can be on the same page as we type out the examples while you do too.
Psst. jQuery in-depth tutorials please! (But, perhaps, this is a topic for another session.)
2008/8/11 Yesudeep yesudeep@gmail.com:
The reason for 7KB limit is not server/disk space limitation. 7KB is an approx size of large emails people post to the list. I am sure you have been enjoying the clean ilug-bom mailing list all the while. The reason why you hardly see anyone here posting Orkut/Hi5/LinkedIn/Foobar invitations, or one liner replies to 100KB digest mails, or people sending their .doc resumes to the mailing list is - the 7KB posting limitation.
Even if google-groups is considered, 7KB limitation should stay.
Psst. jQuery in-depth tutorials please! (But, perhaps, this is a topic for another session.)
Some prototype.js magic too, please :)
On 11-Aug-08, at 8:38 PM, kamal wrote:
a jquiery demo/tutorial will give a good introduction to javascript and at the same time give incentive for the newbies to jump in and use it.
Yesudeep wrote:
I wouldn't doze off in a JavaScript *interactive* session, though 2 hours is good enough.
Although this is not related, I remembered a time when I was facing a customer across the table and he wanted me to give him a silent hearing for one hour while he gave his presentation on network marketing. He had barely done a few minutes when I genuinely dozed off before him. He did not like that and stopped the presentation. I was saved from becoming a member of those schemes.
Dear Rakesh,
On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 6:10 PM, Rakesh Pai rakeshpai@gmail.com wrote:
Not a problem... All people, old and new, are treated equal on this list... :-)
I'm the guy giving the JavaScript talk. Please consider this as a confirmation that I'll be around for the talk.
Thanks for the confirming your talk. Hope you have recovered completely from your recent illness.
Here is what I can think of an outline of the talk. Please feel free to temper as needed.
1. JavaScript History 2. JavaScript Syntax 3. JavaScript Writing tools/IDEs 4. JavaScript Debugging Tools 5. Cross browser compatibility 6. JavaScript Frameworks? 7. Q & A
Hope you will be able to cover above in an hour? Or would like more time?
Looking forward to your talk. With regards,
Thanks for the confirming your talk. Hope you have recovered completely from your recent illness.
Yes, I did, thanks for asking. Turns out, hospital ceilings are not very interesting to look at.
This sounds perfect. However, I must admit, I haven't worked too much with jQuery. The popular frameworks I've got most experience with include Dojo, Prototype and Scriptaculous. Before the popularity of these frameworks, I've used my own home-grown frameworks.
Sanjay B: Would be great if you can take up jQuery, since so many people seem interested.
Hope you will be able to cover above in an hour? Or would like more time?
An hour might be cutting too close, especially if we factor in the jQuery stuff. Shall we try to make it 1.5 hours, if we have the time? That should be slightly more luxurious.
Dear Rakesh,
Many apologies - I replied to the previous email in this thread without reading your earlier mails ...
(further replies inline)
On Tue, August 12, 2008 10:03 pm, Rakesh Pai wrote:
Wow - would love to hear about your "home-grown" frameworks :-D - would love to also have a discussion with you about the frame-work wars;) - I used Prototype, Scriptaculous and mootools a bit (but not much) before getting completely hooked to jquery.. not a 100% sure how they stack up now - I have just gotten used to jquery .. I'm very interested in digging into Dojo though - anyways, perhaps I can pick your brain a bit when I see you :-)
Sanjay B: Would be great if you can take up jQuery, since so many people seem interested.
Since people have mentioned an interest in jquery - I can do a quick demo - again, I could go on for hours;) - but I think a basic intro into the selector syntax, basic animations, one ajax example should not take much time .. I can probably keep it down to 15 minutes, if that seems okay? I can be flexible though .
Hope this can fit into the LUG meeting, else I would still be interested in attending / helping organize(?) a more luxurious javascript session if there isn't time for it here and you're still up for doing it :-)
Looking forward and thanks a lot! Sanjay
Greetings to all !
On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 10:03 PM, Rakesh Pai rakeshpai@gmail.com wrote:
That's why is is affectionately called 'dojo' by all who know him. ;)
I am very excited about this meet - been a long while since I attended.
cheers, quasi
Easwar Hariharan wrote:
So we finally have someone in charge of announcing meets,fixing the agenda without too much of a hassle.Thanks a lot and Keep going.
He is doing it since a long time and is one of the GLUG-BOM webmasters/admins. :-)
On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 12:23 PM, alpesh gajbe alpeshgajbe@gmail.comwrote:
Please confirm the agenda so that i can post it at
http://www.gnu.org.in/glug-meet http://www.gnu.org.in/glug-meet
Dear Alpesh,
On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 12:42 PM, alpesh gajbe <> wrote:
Thanks for confirming the venue availability...
Here is the final announcement and agenda for meeting
Event: ILUG-BOM Aug 2008 Meet Date: Sunday, 24th August, 2008 Time: 2:00 - 5:00 PM Venue: Room No. G1, HBCSE, Near BARC Bus Depot, Mankhurd, Mumbai. (Please include map/directions) Agenda:
1. Programing JavaScript by Rakesh Pai 2. JavaScript Framework Demo by Sanjay B 3. Fixing the Namazu on ILUG-BOM Server 4. Discuss strategy and action plan for countering software patents in India
With regards,