I got the Video that was taken on 14th Feb 2003 at VJTI. Where should I upload this to?
Currently it is on MPEG-2 I think (VCD)
It's not as bad as I expected it to be. ;-)
Can anyone tell me how to convert this from MPEG-2 to DivX format?
On Fri, Feb 21, 2003 at 09:28:58PM +0530, Rishi Gangoly wrote:
I am sure there are many other ways to do this. However, I do it on a regular basis using the "mencoder" (the encoder made by the guys who made the best media player, mplayer). Also, I would highly recommend using XVid, not only because it's open source, but because the compression to quality ratio is pretty damm amazing. I have tried this procedure with mpeg2 stream files from SVCDs, .iso's of SVCDs(mpeg-2), .bin (the format made popular by CDR-Win) files of SVCDs. It has worked wonders for me. Hope it does the same for you. (Also, I was under the impression that VCDs were mpeg-1 and SVCDs and DVDs were mpeg-2. Am I wrong? )
On Friday 21 February 2003 10:22 pm, you wrote:
I've been playing around with mplayer and mencode for the past two days now. I had a few more questions on this.
If I have an MPEG-1 (VCD) file and encode it to MPEG-4 (DivX) format, will the file size reduce?
Or do I have to pass some parameters for it to reduce in size?
Also why is it that the MPEG-4 file is generated as an AVI?
Should it not be an mpeg file?
What's the funda here?
I just started to run the following command
mencoder -vcd 2 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vpass=1 -oac copy -o disk_01.avi
It's 52% done but it says
Selected audio codec: [mp3] afm:mp3lib (mp3lib MPEG layer-2, layer-3) Selected video codec: [mpeg12] vfm:libmpeg2 (MPEG 1 or 2 (libmpeg2))
So what does this mean?
Am I going to get the same MPEG 1 file at the end of this encoding procedure?
I get to understand that mp3 has some patent issues and thus it would be better to use ogg vorbis. How does one select that codec to encode the file?
Acording to the documentation I'm supposed to run this command after the one above completes
mencoder -vcd 2 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vpass=2 -oac copy -o disk_01.avi
is that true?
On Mon, Feb 24, 2003 at 06:55:30PM +0530, Rishi Gangoly wrote:
You are not using DivX as you mentioned earlier. The ovc lavc switch tells it to use the libavcodec which is different from the DivX codec. To use divx, please do -ovc divx4
No. You will be getting an avi file which is the divx(or in your case, the libavcodec) encoded version of your mpeg-1 file.
That is because you are using two pass encoding. From the docs, "2-pass encoding: the name comes from the fact that this method encodes the file twice. The first encoding (dubbed pass) creates some temporary files (*.log) with a size of few megabytes, do not delete them yet (you can delete the AVI). In the second pass, the 2-pass output file is created, using the bitrate data from the temporary files. The resulting file will have much better image quality"
The last I checked, mencoder was not fully capable of encoding to mpeg-1 or mpeg-2. Hence, it usually encoders to avi.
use virtualdub on windows ||mencoder onlinux
===== ninad purohit ninadonline(at)yahoo(dot)co(dot)in have a nice day :-)
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rishi where are u located ? can you burn copies for me ? i want a copy of the cd that even on a VCD player (now the question is that are VCD players open src ?
if i get a copy of video and photos (i have a scanner and can do it on weekends)in some lug and m/c acceptable format i can volunteer to burn cds
On Fri, 2003-02-21 at 21:28, Rishi Gangoly wrote:
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On Saturday 22 February 2003 10:41 am, you wrote:
I am at Colaba. Yes I can burn a copy for you. Just send me your address and two blank CDs at the following address.
- The Argon Company, 4th Floor, G Block, Dhanraj Mahal, Apollo Bunder Rd., Colaba, Mumbai - 400039
I have send a copy to Prof. Jitendra Shah, VJTI too.
I'm also uploading it to an FTP server that is hosted by Nick Hill. ftp.nickhill.co.uk
I will request Nick Hill to send me the URL so that anyone can then download it.
I'm also trying to find out how to make it smaller in size. Right now it's too big. - Disk 1 = 740 MB - Disk 2 = 430 MB
Any ideas on how to do this is most welcome. I am running Debian Woody 3.0 + Redhat 8.0 dual boot. Bhargave Bhatt posted a response to use mencoder / mplayer.
I've downloaded it and still figuring out how to do it. ;-)
The files I have are MPEG-1 (I think) vjti-14-feb-2003-disk1.mpg: RIFF (little-endian) data vjti-14-feb-2003-disk2.mpg: RIFF (little-endian) data
vjti-14-feb-2003-disk1.mpg: 739983932 bytes vjti-14-feb-2003-disk2.mpg: 429651644 bytes
The upload should be over by tomorrow since I only have a 128 KBPS hathway line.
Rishi Gangoly wrote:
The files seem to be downloading OK so far.
There are problems with making the files smaller by using Divx or Mpeg4. In many pats of the world, the formats are encumbered by software patents, so are not available to free software programs.
The files can be made smaller within the Mpeg1 format by resizing, changing frame rate and reducing audio bandwidth.