Last year, 2008, the fyjc admission was made online using FOSS. The software is available for any one for asking. I was the architect on behalf of the government. I was instrumental in turning the decision of autorites from not going in for online to going in for online this year. That is when my contribution ended.
Last year we used the latest MySQL (5.0) when our engineers had not enough experience( was that a sensible decision ? I feel yes as it was essentially a pilot) . It took two days to locate MySQL expert who was familiar with settings ( Courtesy Dainik Bhaskar) and the dying server revived in 10 minutes.
While comparing last year with this, one may note the following: (not as excuses for failures) We had an entrepreneur to come forward taking no money from the government, no assurance of students using the system . It was optional. The physical form filling was alternative. The charges for service was Rs 5 , with exemption for first two applications. Instead , this year the centralised admission makes online compulsory for about 2 lakh students (after discounting the minority seats of about 1.5 lakhs.) Each student has to pay Rs 125/- The undersigned had offered the services for the govt as honorary. This time I was called in initial meetings. But later I was dropped. I may get a call again, I am told.
What is at stake is faith of people in technology in mass usage. Also whether FOSS can serve better?
On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 11:05 AM, wrote:
The decision makers will have tough time explaining their decision if asked under RTI?
KK, here is your chance to file an RTI application, instead of a petition. What say?
With regards,
On Sun, 2009-06-28 at 11:26 +0530, Dinesh Shah (દિનેશ શાહ/दिनेश शाह) wrote:
Yes I agree. very good idea indeed. Infact I was asking some of my friends who are into law and work at reputed firms. They adviced me the same course of action.
I would be interested to have a private chat with you because I think some experienced person could be a better help. happy hacking. Krishnakant.
On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 5:44 PM, Krishnakant wrote:
Yes, even me also getting into that. When i found that the online admission is going to take place by using only IE, I had placed the mail to Chairperson of MKCL through which this online process of F.YJ.C is conducted. We agree that site is developed using ASPX i.e " ASP .net ". But each foss browser support it much better than IE as i seen.
I am still waiting for reply from "chairperson of MKCL". Hope will get reply.
Regards, Ganesh Gajare
On Mon, 2009-06-29 at 19:10 +0530, Ganesh Gajare wrote:
I think chances are very very less. MKCL is one of the biggest agents of M$ and we know through various evidances like the MSC IT basic computer course etc.
happy hacking. Krishnakant.
Ganesh Gajare wrote:
[...snip.. ]
Hindustan Times had been covering the FYJC site and had run some articles a couple of days from its trial launch, so I did write to the editor regarding this issue and urged them to help bring this out in the open.
No response yet. I believe someone influential, or with journalist friends, or if some journos are on this list, might want to take up this matter, so that people do get the real picture.
The mild word getting out that the last year's process was based on FOSS technologies, while this year it's on closed and restrictive (at places pretty unnecessarily even) techs brings about a lot of speculation and nurtures FUD in an already ignorant lot.
I think just posting the link to the threads on discussions about this matter at a more accessible place would clear the fog within minds of many who're not aware but can understand if informed.
Regards Kamal
KM wrote:
Journalists jump at the slightest hint of corruption, misuse of power, abuse of power. They have this tendency to dig deep into matters and expose bad products or policies of powerful brands and companies. They have a nose that can sniff out something foul from far away. However what surprises me is their lack of interest in software freedom and software technologies for this freedom. Are we just looked upon as some crazy PETA type minority that is normally ignored and gets publicity only when they show some skin?
On Monday 29 June 2009, Rony wrote:
Not when your patron is at the receiving end. Ads is what makes the news paper run.
Worse than that - you want to run down the greatest businessman and his company?. At least PETA wants to save animals.
On Mon, 2009-06-29 at 21:59 +0530, Rony wrote:
Probably proper orientation is the need. I don't think that there are a reporters for any news channel or paper who really understands that not having freedom in technology is not having freedom *at all *. We need to write may be an article ourselves and try publishing it. I used to write in my earlier days as a free lance journalist.
happy hacking. Krishnakant.
On Sunday 28 June 2009, jitendra wrote:
Afaik MySQL has poor write capability under heavy load. Postgres would be a better alternative. However without adequate infrastructure (HA, LB, DR etc) such projects should never be attempted. The typical govt tendency to cut corners only brings a bad name to FOSS and the developer.