hello, a friend had a problem. the following is the problem description as per him.
********************************* hello all, we have LDAP server running properly, after that we have installed convert-ANS1-0.18.tar.gz and perl-ldap-0.31.tar.gz for getting the perldap modules in perl. after installation, the warning displayed is "build incomplete"
when we run a perl script to connect the LDAp server we are having an error that says... "cant locate loadable object for module Mozilla::LDAP::API" with some compilation errors. we are working on rh9. plz help thanks hemant ***************************************
thanks ------------------------------------ GNUrpreet Singh MPIT 1 (Nw specialization) Symbiosis Center for IT www.aloofhosting.com/gnurpreet/
Are you sure you are using the proper module (Net::LDAP)
The following script works fine for me.
use Net::LDAP;
use constant HOST => 'ldap.whatever.domain'; use constant BASE => 'ou=People,dc=whatever,dc=domain';
{ print "Searching database... "; my $name = shift || die "Usage: $0 filter\n"; my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new( HOST, onerror => 'die' ) || die "Cannot connect: $@"; $ldap->bind() or die "Cannot bind: $@"; my $msg = $ldap->search( base => BASE, filter => "(|(sn=*$name*)(givenName=*$name*))" ); ... ... }
- Chetan
On Tue, Mar 09, 2004 at 06:16:07AM -0700, gnurpreet@softhome.net wrote: