We are working on bringing out the next version of Utkarsh - the Gujarati localized version of GNU/Linux. We don't have too much knowledge on Debian and Morphix/Mepis (Live CDs) are based on Debian.
Can somebody help us with this? We would really like somebody to come spend some time with our team and teach us some basics! Want to do this on Monday / Tuesday if possible.
We would be able to work out some compensation for this!
Regards, Nirav .................................................... email ~ magnet@magnet-i.com phone ~ 91-22-2899 0490 / 2899 0507 / 3091 5047 cell ~ 91-22-3250 4767 web ~ www.magnet-i.com ~ www.radixsolutions.info ~ www.utkarsh.org
Rich Internet Apps - Mobile Solutions - GNU/Linux Utkarsh - Computers in Gujarati Language
:::::::::::::::: WE CODE THE FUTURE ::::::::::::::::