There was a query from the Mechanical Engg dept of a college in Tamil Nadu regarding the free/open source alternatives for following geometric modelling/CAD softwares. They would prefer to use free/open source softwares wherever possible for academic purpose.
1. I-DEAS 8.0 Master series 2. Unigraphics NX series 3. CATIA V5R15
Please let me know if you have come across good free/open source alternatives for above mentioned softwares.
Thanks and regards,
- Joju
Hi Jojumon,
--- Jojumon Kavalan joju@cdacmumbai.in wrote:
Wouldn't it make more sense if you can tell us what you want the software to do, rather than giving a list of software?
Check these links:
-- Shakthi Kannan, MS Software Engineer, Hexaware Technologies [E]: shakthimaan@yahoo.com [M]: (91) 98407-87007 [W]: http://www.shakthimaan.com [L]: Chennai, India
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