---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Manoj Bohara manoj_boharaforever@yahoo.co.in Date: Jul 2, 2005 1:50 PM Subject: Re: [ILUG-BOM] Inquiry about training institutes regarding Linux (Manoj Bohara) To: Svaksh svaksh@gmail.com
Dear Svakashji ,
I thanks for the personal reply u send to me other than on the mailing list . Your email has been very informative to me . I have studied linux how to operate it and simple things . I want to study it more not because of an alternative to windows since i dont have a machine at my home , :-) . I want to study to work on it .
I liked that in the end u said " comeback with linux related questions or anything specific like "i have this os and i want to dual-boot it with linux", etc.. . "
the kind u enthusiasm and pain u took to reply me back was to its peak . With such an enthu i would definitely mail u back if any queries .
I am working in wipro BPO for Dell Computers as tech support agent so if i can be any assistance to plz free to mail be back , :-) .
Best wishes Manoj
************** ********* did you mean to send this to the list ? if not please send all questions to the mailing list so that everyone can benefit. also i dont have all the answers so this is where others with more knowledge can help and the raison d'entre for the existence of this and other mailing-lists.