Look at this real situation. What should we do with such terrorists sitting in the educational sector. On one hand we are facing terrorism from companies like Microsoft which will play all these dirty games and to help them the other side is our government where such currupted pimps are sitting to spoil all the educational system by denying even the basic freedom of choosing a software as small as a web browser.
happy hacking. Krishnakant.
On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 5:47 PM, Krishnakant wrote:
Look at this real situation.
Absolutely! It pops up a big message stating that "this" browser is not supported. That shocked me!
The ability of Microsoft to be pervasive has rather been easy due to less number of people being actually aware of the other side of the "Micro-soft" world. ;) Essentially, we are still catching up with the ability to market and advertise to the extent they can. More so, developers of such software / webapps essentially need to realize (irrespective of the closed source / open source) that it has to run for people on computers they use and not for "my-tested-software/computer".
But as a community it is difficult for us to come up and say to the 'developers' of this product ... "Look boss, I have this CLICK-TO-RUN product which would run perfectly on any OS / browser and that it is more sturdy, comparatively less susceptible to failure and can handle volumes of requests." When we have something of that sort, which can be marketed such a way, all that would be needed is individuals who can directly talk to MKCL!
-- Roshan Baladhanvi
While we are at this topic. Couple of days ago I tried to have a look around as to what happens if we visit this site with a non-IE browser. So, I opened the site using opera and got the default not-supported message. After that I masked opera as IE and reloaded the page. There you go, the site opens fine. It seemed to be rendering fine. Then, I had a look around at a few things to see what doesn't work. First thing I had a look at was the search engine, this is used to search for colleges according to various parameters like faculty, zone, etc. Cut off and fees part of the colleges works as expected too. I can also download and view all forms and brochures in the download section. I am able to register with the site. While filling the application form, it gets stuck at add/edit colleges Here's what the relevant code of the add/edit colleges column is -----xxxxx----- <img src="../Images/edit.gif" title="Click to Add/Update" onclick="OpenPopUpCollegeCode(event)" onmouseover="ChangeCursorStyleHand(event)" onmouseout="ChangeCursorStyleDefault(event)" alt="Click Me" style="cursor: default"/> -----xxxxx----- These is some javascript being used on the page but am not sure which part is being used on the relevant section. I have also pastebin'ed the page's code if someone wants to try their hand at it without going through the registration process - http://pastebin.com/m26fd43e8 So, this is the only page so far that I have encountered an error with. If solved, I will proceed further and look to finish with the process.
On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 10:10 PM, Mehul Vedmehul.n.ved@gmail.com wrote:
You might want to see the javascript errors in Tools > "Error Console" in Firefox (don't know where in Opera but there should be a section). The offending function is probably OpenPopUpCollegeCode(). Look for it in the page (couldn't find it in the page you pasted) or in any included scripts.
On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 10:19 PM, Siddhesh Poyarekarsiddhesh.poyarekar@gmail.com wrote:
Here's what I get
Event thread: click Error: name: TypeError message: Statement on line 213: Type mismatch (usually non-object value supplied where object required)
Event thread: click Error: name: Error message: HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR stacktrace: Line 14 of linked script http://fyjc.org.in/mumbai/Scripts/ContentBox.js: In function ContentBox_SetBox function ContentBox_SetBox(contentBox){contentBox.style.zIndex=102;contentBox.scrollPosY=GetScrollPosition('Y');contentBox.scrollPosX=GetScrollPosition('X');if(ContentBox_IsIE)document.body.childNodes[0].appendChild(contentBox);contentBox.style.display='block';ContentBox_ResetBox(contentBox);} Line 14 of linked script http://fyjc.org.in/mumbai/Scripts/ContentBox.js: In function ContentBox_ShowWindow function ContentBox_ShowWindow(show,contentBox,colorSelected,showClose,closeEventHandler){if(show){ContentBox_SetBox(contentBox);ContentBox_SetOverLay(contentBox);if(colorSelected)ContentBox_SetOverlayColor(contentBox,colorSelected);contentBox.scrollEvent=setInterval(contentBox.id+".WindowScroll()",200);addEventHandler(window,'resize',contentBox.WindowResize);if(showClose){var lnk=document.createElement('A');var img=document.createElement('IMG');img.src=ContentBox_imageClose.src;if(Browser.isIe)img.style.width="15px";lnk.appendChild(img);lnk.href="javascript:void(0);";if(closeEventHandler){addEventHandler(lnk,'click',function(){var e=new function(){this.closePopup=true;};closeEventHandler(e);if(e.closePopup)contentBox.Hide();});}else{addEventHandler(lnk,'click',contentBox.Hide);}contentBox.Head.appendChild(lnk);}}else{contentBox.style.display='none';contentBox.overlayOne.style.display='none';contentBox.overlayTwo.style.display='none';clearInterval(contentBox.scrollEvent);removeEventHandler(window,'resize',contentBox.WindowResize);}} Line 14 of linked script http://fyjc.org.in/mumbai/Scripts/ContentBox.js function(newColor,showClose,closeEventHandler){ContentBox_ShowWindow(true,contentBox,newColor,showClose,closeEventHandler);} Line 213 of linked script http://fyjc.org.in/mumbai/PageScript/CollegePreference1.js: In function OpenPopUpCollegeCode ctl00_rightContainer_CBCollegePref.Show('black',true); Line 1 of function script OpenPopUpCollegeCode(event) ...
On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 11:27 PM, Mehul Vedmehul.n.ved@gmail.com wrote:
Give up, the guy has used ASP.net to write the crap, which means there's layers and layers of crap before you can understand what's happening. Add to that scripts like the ContentBox.js, where everything is on line 14 :P
Two of the developers working on this: Anoop Nair and kapil Bajaj. The website was created by OASIS. If there is no Hall of Shame for software vendors who cannot get their act together, there should be one now. Maybe a page on wikipedia or something popular enough so that it hurts them.
On the brighter side, looks like the site is under maintenance, so hopefully they are doing something to correct it.
On Sat, 2009-06-27 at 23:46 +0530, Siddhesh Poyarekar wrote:
It will hert them some day or the other, but the war is very long. People are afraid to loos clients and specially government based clients. Organisations like MKCL will never even care to take this as an issue, I had a talk with another culprit named Sawant from MKCL, and according to him "windows is an important part of computers and the only standard thing in education ".
On the brighter side, looks like the site is under maintenance, so hopefully they are doing something to correct it.
Hopefully they will not do *only* firefox for another blunder. Here the question is not foss but a matter of basic choice of a web browser.
happy hacking. Krishnakant.
I don't think a page on Wikipedia would last long.It would be a candidate for speedy deletion,coz it won't have the citations.So,you first gotta get the list onto some reputed,trustworthy source like a newspaper or something,or an opinion making website.
On the brighter side, looks like the site is under maintenance, so hopefully they are doing something to correct it.
And no,if the papers got it correct,they had to go under when they thought a single server(probably running MS IIS) could handle all the load.It's gone down to add a few servers.
On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 10:19 PM, Siddhesh Poyarekarsiddhesh.poyarekar@gmail.com wrote:
On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 5:47 PM, Krishnakantkrmane@gmail.com wrote:
I would strongly suggest that we refrain from using word like "terrorist" to describe rival businesses/technologies.
That way you are diluting the meaning of word terrorist - who KILLS INNOCENT PEOPLE without any reason or remorse.
happy hacking. Krishnakant.
Let us be responsible in choosing our words. (remember, you objecting to people calling crackers as hackers?)
With regards,
On Sat, 2009-06-27 at 23:54 +0530, Dinesh Shah (દિનેશ શાહ/दिनेश शाह) wrote:
Terrorists try forcing people to believe and behave the way they expect by creating all kinds of environments including FUD. I don't care what business rivalry you are talking about. I am not concerned about whether m$ makes million or billian dollers. And I don't know and not interested to know who are their business rivals. All that I understand is that a very basic freedom of choice is being taken away.
That way you are diluting the meaning of word terrorist - who KILLS INNOCENT PEOPLE without any reason or remorse.
Ok then this is criminal to the least extent.
Yes cracking is *NOT* hacking and denying freedom forcefully is nothing less than terrorisom.
happy *HACKING* Krishnakant. Ps: moderator or the list may ban me for speaking the "kadwa sach " (bitter truth ). And I am nto a businessman who fears of loosing some clients.
On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 12:07 AM, Shirish Padalkarshirish4you@gmail.com wrote:
I don't think "Happy Hacking" is offensive. :| Hacking IS good in FREE world. Absolutely CRACKING is NOT.
Please don't fork this thread into a hacking vs cracking vs whatever else fest.
On Sun, 2009-06-28 at 00:09 +0530, Siddhesh Poyarekar wrote:
hmm, People seem to have not forgoton things and they remind me of me stating that "hacking can be only good ". So I had to respond. But I completely agree with you siddesh. The current thread is very important, if people would want to take it so.
happy hacking. Krishnakant.
They still not up... :( It's after 12 midnight now... :|
On Saturday 27 June 2009, Dinesh Shah wrote:
I might just turn into one. The jerks are not merely pushing rival tech - if one can call stuff that crashes with 25000 logins as tech - they are screwing a whole set of young people and creating potential recruits for terrorists. They are a lot worse than mere terrorists.