I have spoilt 3 cds to burn the .raws of Debian Woody. Please guide me how to burn the .raws.
thanks, Navin Dhanuka.
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At 09:13 PM 7/26/01 -0700, Navin Dhanuka wrote:
I have spoilt 3 cds to burn the .raws of Debian Woody. Please guide me how to burn the .raws.
If you are successful in doing it, please please will you lemme borrow your CD's?
quasi p.s. can I have a copy of the photo (near the podium) you took of me at the RMS lecture?
I have spoilt 3 cds to burn the .raws of Debian Woody. Please guide me how to burn the .raws.
I wonder why they didnot give .iso's (and may place them in directory /raws/)
If you are successful in doing it, please please will you lemme borrow your CD's?
Sure! Rohit* has taken my Slackware8.0 CD, pleasereturn it asap.
check http://www.netinfotech.net/rms/
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