>> They can't spent money on hrdware of servers and their maintainance
>> and it's infrastructure.
> jtd wrote:
> Actually you can use any amd 64 mobo with sata drive and sufficient
> ram. The drives are quite fast. If the files the clients write are
> more than 2 MB use jfs else use reiserfs. Use one machine with
> reiserfs for dhcp + nfs boot, one with jfs for application serving
> and one more with reiserfs for /home.
I have tried this with using ext3 partition, but I got lot issue with CPU
utilization (waiting for io was more because of NFS). So I didnot seperate
>Your client machines will use their own local ram and X resources
>while executing. This drastically cuts the server requirements but
>"increases" the need for better capability clients - celeron 800 or
> better. However given that the cheapest mobo u can buy now is a via
>cle clients should not be a problem.
They have computers which are donated by people so I can't say that they
will buy new 50 systems or not. Maximum client systems are i386 with Pentium
1 and 64 MB RAM. I used bootROM to boot them.
>> There are max 50 PCs on one server. Instead of one server I want to
>> use normal PCs approx 2-3 by doing clustering. I have heard about
>> google. They have used normall PCs with cluster.
>The "normal" pcs are 64 bit systems with hughe ram and gigabit
>networks connected to massive storage arrays. By normal they mean
>high performance of the shelf components.
I wanted to say that Google use n number of normal i386 systems of Pentium 1
or Celeron with 1 GB RAM instead of 1 big server.
>>> 1. Purpose of the old Windows machines
>> They were using old windows machines for Excel, Word,
> not a problem
>> Tally,
> may work with wine or freedos.
We are running Tally7.2 Linux version on Server so noissue with that. But it
eats up lot memory (Near about 50MB per instance).
>group similiar hardware and describe each group in detail.
>If you have wildly varying hardware, your nfsboot will be difficult to
>maintain. If you want to use local resources you need 256MB ram
Yes they have widely varying hardware as all PCs are donated by people. But
almost 90% PCs are Pentium 1 with 64 MB RAM.
And currently I am booting up them with LTSP-4.2. So no problem in
thinclient system.
But is it possible to get collective output of n number of PCs ?
For example: If my server requirement is 3 GB RAM and 3 Ghz CPU. Then
instead of bying one server of that much capacity, can I use 3 i386/586 PCs
each of 1 GB RAM and 1 Ghz CPU ?