Rony Bill wrote:
I would like to know where exactly I am going wrong in the installation or what am I overlooking and thats causing these problems. The yum is for installing balance packages from the distro cd or directly from the internet. Do I need an active net connection while doing this? Will yum automatically look for relevant sites?
Will yum be the end of all my linux installation woes?
Yes, Yum, if used with proper repositories will be the end of your linux installation woes. Apt-get is the best IMHO when it comes to binary packages, but I haven't tried it with rpms yet.
I think you'll find these links quite useful:
I personally used the second link there. It's really nice.
HTH, Mrugesh
P.S. If you get any errors regarding "No more repositories to try" in yum, consider installing the freshrpms and livna rpm from the respective sites, instead of adding the entries to /etc/yum.repos.d/ by hand.
Also, consider using freshrpms+dries instead of livna.
And DO NOT use atrpms.
Also, I think the newrpms repository has been changed to dries. I'm not sure.
You can also get automatic updates to Macromedia Flash Player by adding the Macromedia repository.
Good luck :)