On Thu, 17 Jul 2003 23:06:35 +0530 "Harsh" mailme@backendguru.com wrote:
| debian installation is scary for beginners try redhat or knoppix [snip] I totally disagree with you, debian is not hard to install it is very easy the reason people say debian is hard to install is because the installer is console based and not gui. i had just installed rh9 on my pc it took me well over an hour to install a standard install where as in debian i am done in less than 15 mins minus all the packages i dont need.
another reason people say debian is hard cause of the dselect package management software, i say its not so there are easier ones now such as aptitude, or stormpkg.
redhat is no doubt easy to install but why not try mandrake which is easier than the red hat installer or esware/xandros/libranet these are based on debian and are as easy to install as redhat dont believe me then check out the links below of the installation.
ESware365 Linux http://www.esware.com/productos/imagenesinstalacion/imagen11.jpg http://www.esware.com/productos/imagenesinstalacion/imagen5.jpg