On Monday 13 February 2006 12:24, Anurag wrote:
Sometime on Mon, Feb 13, 2006 at 05:44:08PM +0530, Mrugesh Karnik
Hmmm, in that case, a newbie list would be beneficial methinks, as many people seem to post their problems and questions on this list and apparently, they're not suppose to.
We're not getting any kind of newbie list. Flames and personal attacks can be controlled if we behave responsibly and stick to our mailing list guidelines.
Right. We already have a wiki, don't we? Senior users ( ideally everyone ) should contribute to the wiki. That way we can point the newbies to the wiki. If that doesn't help them then someone can post an answer to their problem or atleast direct them to the right resource. That way people* wont complain about the RTFM, Google replies. But then people* will find something new to complain and crib about... Just forget that I even exist <_<
* = people is a general reference to the set of human beings reading / posting on this list. It's not directed at anybody specific. No offence meant.