Dinesh Joshi wrote:
On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 9:26 AM, Amiya Sahoo amiya17igit@gmail.com wrote:
I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.
- Amiya
Just goes to show the world is full of fools. Thanks for revealing your password to a untrusted site.
What makes you think he gave his password to LinkedIn ? He just exported his address book and uploaded it to the site. So he gave your email Id to a potential spam list without endangering his own security. The Linked In server sent the original mail spoofed as the member's email id so that it will go through filters like this.
The interesting thing is that while there is an agreement (in LinkedIn privacy policy) not to sell his email id to a spammer, there is nothing that prevents LinkedIn from selling your id to the spammer. An interesting view that I had not considered till I got this email.
I hope your machine gets slammed with some virus that destroys all data. And I really hope your prospective professional employer sees this this post of mine and that leaves you perennial unemployed.
Actually, potential employers will probably be looking at his being a LinkedIn member as a proof of how good, proactive he is and give him a job which you would not get as you are not connected enough (I assume you are not on linkedin........)
Thank you so much for spamming atleast a 1000 people and *my* inbox. This post along with your proof of stupidity will be etched in the www's cache indefinitely. The longer it stays the better it is. I hope your potential employer sees how foolish you can be to reveal your password to an untrusted, third party website without giving it a second thought. This defeats your whole purpose of registering on linkedin :)
No such luck
Have a nice day!