Sometime Today, sir Philip Tellis assembled some asciibets to say:
We could go round in loops forever. What, for example, is the opposite of "I"? You is not the answer. :P
The world, the life every thing is an cycle, and we have to travel that. An old man would behave like he did as an 3 year old after living for 90 years. alls a cycle. When ever Monopoly, proprietary forces dominate the world a FLOSS movement shall prevail, but when ever FLOSS users are divided amongst them selfs again Monopolistic and proprietary forces shall regain. Alls a Big loop sir.
And the opposite of 'I' is not 'You'. But... 'WE'. so lets not mention 'I' on the mailing list but lets address ourselves as 'WE'.
The List is not so old as to distinguish newbies with ,masters, and even if we want to what would be the methodology to distinguish and classify different users, on what basis??? aren't we all still on the edge of the learning cure. Any one who feels he/shes at the acme of the learning curve doesn't need this list. Does Low mail and LUG meet turnout suggest that the so called veteran's are now masters.
Regards Yayati.