Dinesh Shah wrote: [SNIP]
I'd but in my 2 bits. Relax. Just as they offered more MB for the same price and now increased speeds for the same price, they will offer much more for the same price. And eventually do away with bandwidth restrictions. I believe they had to do this 2 MBPS to promote IPTV. (i may be wrong here about the link between iptv and 2 mbps) but lets wait and watch.
Dream on. :-)
Poor MTNL. Damned if they didnt and now damned because they are doing.
Just speak to the people who had been at the receiving end of "Poor MTNL" ;-)
i've been using triband (DSL NU) for a couple of years now and only have good things to say.. exception: their DNS Cache Servers suck (run your own caching nameserver OR use opendns).
The initial installation was slightly painful (due to sarkari babus) and i had to make a few phone calls before they finally came over, but so far it is working as advertised.
Anyways YMMV / YMDV (does)
- dhawal