On 1/22/07, Vihan Pandey vihanpandey@gmail.com wrote:
Pointers in C is another book by YPK. Now if you read the
chapter/section on Binary Trees, you would say, hey nice explaination. Only to find later an uncanny similarity from Data Structures in C and C++ by Tenenbaum et al. Its a green colour book, very nice one, imho. But maybe its just coincidence. But again, the starting chapters are really simplistically explained.
Very True. A small point for people thinking of getting the book, the Data Structures is by Aron Tenenbaum and not Andrew Tenenbaum.
Its one of the good books that I have seen till date. Ofcourse TAoCP is ofcourse *the book*, no doubts about it. ( hopefully one day I can read all of it and understand, by then rest of the volumes might release as well )
And if you are doing C++, please read Stroustoup after you
have learnt a bit. But keep and read the following books handy - Effective C++, More Effective C++, Effective STL ( read/study STL first, google for SGI STL tutorial ) and C++ Coding Standards. The articles in these are arranged in "Items". I just read them randomly
Seriously, its advice worth noting as Pradeepto is one of the best C++ guys out there. Only he's extremely modest about it :-)
errrr .... no no, I am very surely not even close to the good C++ guys, let alone the best C++ guys. Yeah, but thanks to my KDE involvement, I hang around with them a lot of C++/OOPs folks who are *best* in their trade, and I just pass on what I hear them say. Those are the books they keep telling everybody to read if you ask them for advise and I have seen them follow the rules of the trade. Vihan is just being too kind, imho.
The point being, people like Scott Meyers ( author of Effective $(SomeC++Books ) ) are on the standard committees. They promote Standard C++ in their books. These people are working on the C++0X, adding up new stuff. Same people working on boost libraries, many of which are getting standardised in C++0X and have already been in the first draft, or so I am being told.
Many on this list know that I don't have power for few hours daily, I can't do much during those times. Offlate, I thought as well I will try not to be lazy during these times and sleep. So I just pick up a random "Item" and read it. And I find it "educating". That's why I suggest(ed) those books.
Pssst ... Vihan, where do you want the Pizza, Panvel or in the town?