On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 01:18:22PM +0530, Philip S Tellis wrote:
On Wed, 23 Oct 2002, P.V. Mohan Krishnan wrote:
b) Still looking for a non-GUI word processor which is simple to use, implements curses/ncurses efficiently for screen handling, uses simple fonts ( or no font at all !!) to give speedy outputs of big documents speedily on DMPs. We have not yet found anything remotely
have a look at jstar - it is similar to wordstar that we used to use on PCs in the days before Windows existed.
I will say GNU/Emacs fits the bill very well. If you want font changes, underlinings, bold and italics you can get them in the enriched-mode. Using the macros and abbrevs will make the typists type at short hand speed. fI they need we can provide training.