----- Original Message ----- From: zeeble@softhome.net To: linuxers@mm.ilug-bom.org.in Sent: Friday, April 18, 2003 9:33 AM Subject: [ILUG-BOM] Re: Linux, Immature?
Amol Hatwar writes:
It's hight time all of us mailed Novell telling them _it's GNU/Linux_
and it
is already a mature OS. So mature that it makes software companies are strangulate their own OS projects.
Zeeble writes:
Why? Strangle the web with even more crap traffic? And thanks for the info....I did'nt know that software companies were so involved in rolling their "own OSes"...name me 5-10 for more enlightenment.
Amol writes again: My original mail was supposed to have a punch of humour. Seems that these days everything gets taken seriously. Maybe we should start prepending [Humour] on the subject lines of mails written in a lighter spirit. :)