Dear Rony,
On 8/30/06, Rony wrote:
- Take opinions of forensic experts on what are the unique
characteristics of any individual that will remain true for a lifetime and what is the simplest way to record them in electronic format.
There are many. To name a few, birthdate, place of birth, mother, finger print, DNA, birth marks, moles, blood group etc.
Many will required to be in combination with one or more.
- Take opinion of security experts on what are the different ways in
which electronic data of individuals can be compromised or stolen.
Best way to secure any info will be to keep it open (FOSS principle). :-)
- Find out from electronics experts, the different ways that can be
used to authenticate an individual so that even if the id is stolen, the body can't be stolen. "Yours is different from mine".
Nice points. However, we are the experts here. :-) we are developing this idea of yours into a workable solution,
Since this is a public mailing list hopefully all of the above experts are already on the list or they will probably join soon. ;-)
With regards,