[begin Off from the topic] A bit surprising to know that you (yes, vihan),
Meaning what?
probably started with "Let Us C", nevertheless, a good
book. (I did too, but that was an old edition, and I haven't read it completely).
i started life with an XT(in school) and 486 DX 2(at home) with DOS 6.0(about 12-13 years ago), its a fact and i'm not ashamed to admit it. My first encounter with Unix came about 3 years later when i got my VSNL dialup account :-)
I'm also lucky to find that my college library has
finally the latest version 7.0, with the book also including topics on programming with Linux. In fact, it is Redhat Linux 9.0. The author likes KDE and uses KWrite to write C programs. :)
Yes you are indeed lucky :-)
- vihan