On Saturday 07 October 2006 12:44 AM, Dinesh Joshi cobbled together some glyphs to say:
On Saturday 07 October 2006 00:10, krishnakant Mane wrote:
that m$ windows is nothing but a biggest spyware and virus in itself.
Dude, I am all for the Free Software movement, OSS etc... and I am against M$ ideology but I dont appreciate people from the Linux community bad mouth Windoze all the time. Re-read that sentence of yours. You sound like a hardcore Linux fanatic. The Linux community has a lot of them and dont need new ones. They give the community a bad name. Please refrain from making such irresponsible and childish statements in the future.
Exactly what ``irresponsible'' and ``childish'' statement did he make? Why do you think that it's the fanatics who call Microsoft Windows a spy-ware, and how does speaking the truth bring bad name to the Linux [sic] community? It's Human nature to find out / invent / discover / publicise flaws in stuff we don't like / support. Even inside the Free Software community we fight about GNU Emacs vs. ViM, PostgreSQL vs. MySQL, etc. While the flaws of say ViM or MySQL are mostly subjective, the issues with Microsoft Windows are real even if we don't talk about the philosophical issues. I don't think speaking the truth about Microsoft Windows (terming it a spy-ware) is going to do any harm to the Free Software community as long as we don't attack the users themselves. This is in a way a public service that we are doing by educating the people about the misconceptions regarding the so-called user-friendliness and overall niceness of Microsoft Windows in particular and proprietary software in general.
Regards, BG
- -- Baishampayan Ghose b.ghose@ubuntu.com Ubuntu -- Linux for Human Beings http://www.ubuntu.com/
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