On 07/10/06, Devdas Bhagat devdas@dvb.homelinux.org wrote:
Have you looked at the false positive rate for WGA? And people were not informed about it contacting Microsoft regularly. Definitely spyware.
yes devdas, thanks for that point, I just forgot to mention about it. and this is not gnu/linux fanatisam, this is reality. dinesh, if that sounded childish then what does m$ sound to you, probably a drugg trader? they will give you first dose of windows free quite often. and secondly does m$ themselves use windows or unix for their critical data? there are people on this list who still duel boot their computers with windows, and they too will know after they read the ISP statements for their internet usage. how did the upload rise to such an extent? and if my statement of windows being spyware herts any one then if I quote Dr. Richard Stolman he exactly said the same thing when he spoke at the SNDT hall just last month. he too claimed windows to be a spywhere. so at least I have the king of free software himself supporting my own words. it is not that I am as great as he is, it is just that I just spoke what is reality. I think clever people on this list can very well understand that it is just because m$ does not want to show that they except free software that they don't use gnu/linux any where (as they say ). but unix is still non windows. and they use it for their critical data. a drugg seller sees to it that his child never becomes an adict. so m$ does not want to adict their own organisation with windows at critical places.