On Tuesday 26 Aug 2008, Rony wrote:
in the news about the launch. Even during the initial unveiling of the product, they mention very low prices like 300 to 400 USD as the likely price and after the product is launched it is much above 600 USD. For the Indian buyer it is a whopping 10K above the previous rate.
I agree. I have seen the new ASUS eeePC with the Atom cpu on Lam. Rd. It is preloaded with XP Home ed. no option for Linux or FreeDOS. It is a whopping 31.5 (roughly USD 730)!!
Even the iphone 3G is sold at a much lower rate in the US and in India which is price sensitive it is priced too high, almost double.
The prices in the US are the lowest usually - pick any electronic category.
Are people in developing countries richer than those in developed ones?
IMO, it is all marketing. They may be addressing only the rich in the developing countries - who knows.