On 30/03/03 01:08 -0500, Dot Dot wrote: <snip>
- Please understand that we are new to Linux. We want help from LInux
gurus like you to help us. And there are many of us, feeling reluctant to ask questions, because we dont know if they will sound silly.
We were all new once. The how to ask questions guide is at http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
- Please dont intimidate us with strict rules for sending a mail to LUG
mailing list. Let us feel free to ask questions, even if it looks like
Not all of us use GUI mail clients. Turning word wrap on is just a matter of netiquette. This mail is being composed in a 80 x 25 console. Asking offtopic questions is in bad form. Using HTML is bad form. Not searching google first is very bad form.
trivial to geeks. We understand that your time is valuable. But we would like to request you to take some time out to sort out our issues. I
We would just like to see people doing some research first, rather than turning to the LUG as an instant consultancy.
understand it when you get irritated seeing a mail seeking job. But let
The mailing list has a mail sent when you join detailing list policies and guidelines.
us be happy that there are people out there looking for a job in Linux.
Use of the wrong forum tends to decrease Signal to Noise Ratio, making the list less valuable for all of us.
We are growing. Let us not think that they are not upto our standards. They didnt get a chance to understand Linux earlier.
- We will be sad if you start a new mailing list for linux gurus. We
will feel left alone. I thought we want to make people aware of Linux and encourage them to use it. Not to create groups of geeks and newbies. Please dont discriminate. Try to help us solve our trivial issues.
Maybe trying to solve your own problems first is better. Please try to unerstand Linux culture: We did not start with handholding. Maybe a unix book or two, and the manuals (online). The Linux solution has usually been do it yourself. For the newbie, his/her question may be totally new, but for someone who has to answer the same questions repeatedly, it gets boring. There is a very good reason why the turnover in helpdesk jobs is so high. Learning to use the tools that you have is much better than being told what to do. The newbie here has much better resources at hand than what we did. It just that the newbies have to learn that the list is not for spoonfeeding them. We can but show them the path. Walking the path is something they have to do for themselves. (with apologies to Morpheus).
The views expressed here doesn't implicate that any of the esteemed lugger thought low about the newbies.
Ummm, that flame was on the SNR of the list, not on newbies in general. Being rude tends to get flames in response.
Devdas Bhagat