On Wednesday 23 May 2007 15:57, Harsh Busa wrote:
On 5/23/07, Vihan Pandey vihanpandey@gmail.com wrote:
In that kind of a situation praising the company for past good is not really the best thing. Simply put - doing that justifies their actions - they could very well claim - we did our bit, now no more so quit whining.
Companies HAVE to realize that FOSS is NOT a one night stand, its a life long commitment :-)
why dont u file a PIL ? or sue them ?
Cause you would be battered black and blue and would lose (or at best not win). Hence gpl v3. U see v2 was crafted with the then existent copyright and patent laws. These were subsequently amended in the USA either directly or thru court directives (primarily through the daftness of the patent office whose edicts were used as precedent). Then the wto steps in and starts stomping everyone in sight to comply with copyright laws. Then in the past two years copyright miraculosly morphs to "IP" laws, with patents for dna, naturally occuring protein, software, business methods and god only knows what else. Software by the way is the minor short term problem in comparisn to the rest.
My "head in the sand" statement refers to this aspect and Novell is just a tiny stupid annoying fly in the big battle field. Most unfortunately many important figures in the FOSS world fail to see the problem - or think (correctly) that in the longterm things would have to settle to something less stupid. But sitting on your a.. while the forest is on fire is not my idea of correct action.