Freedom is NOT using things/encouraging(directly or indirectly) which take freedom away from you and others.
- Freedom means STFU when someone says EOT.
I thought i was reading a public mailing list, where everyone is allowed to express his/her own opinion?
Nobody's impinging on anyone's opinion space here.
As far as the age old debate of ``is freedom to spread something restricting also a freedom?", i did do a LOT of thinking on this and i came to the conclusion, that such a thinking ultimately destroy's the very principal's of freedom one claims to have.
If he wants to use .doc files personally and get knowingly screwed, fine. But encouraging others directly or indirectly and then being belligerent about it by saying ``Gimme a break and be practical.. use the right tool for the job " is dangerous.
One HAS to be clear on it. DRM is evil, Software Patents are evil, and so are .doc files.
Also saying ``and stop being a GNU/Linux fanboi.. and while you are at it, stop calling it GNU/Linux as well.. simply 'linux' does the trick. Don't get me wrong, I love linux.. it gives me and my family lunch, dinner, an occasional drink and a good life. I am a linux user/admin, not a slave." proves an utter unawareness of all the other communities(GNU, ASF, xBSD....) and people who have contributed to the operating system we all love. It can't be ignored.
- vihan